Zaroff's is a retailer of private islands. The homepage shows you a listing of all our exclusive properties, which you can filter by region or - for those of humble finances - by price limit.
You can visit the page of each individual island to find out more about your future property. Once you have made your choice, add your desired islands to the basket and we will charge your AmEx (tax evasion will be respected).
Install dependencies:
npm install
Seed the database:
npm run seed
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Our page has an end to end testing created and run in Cypress.
You can run our page's tests in the terminal.
Make sure the development server is running:
npm run dev
Open a new terminal and run:
npm run test
Alternatively, you can run the tests in the Cypress app:
Open Cypress application:
npx cypress open
Select E2E Testing in the application
Select Chrome as your browser
Run Tests