This was created as a single script. You'll need only a Linux environment with Python 3.8 (not tested in upper versions).
It sends e-mail messages! To whoever you want from wherever you want.
To use this script just run it right from the command line or you could call it from whitin your own application.
Before using it, you must customized it! Fill in with your own e-mail credentials and make it static or pass them as parameters.
Just make it executable and run like this:
- Without parameters: ./
- With parameters: ./ "youremail" "yourpassword" "destionationmail"
If you pass a password as paremeter on the command line it will be registered in your user bash history. I didn't deal with security here because I developed this as a private project that runs on a controlled environment where only I have access.
You are responsible for your data and system. In doubt, do nothing! 😇
Pull requests are welcome. Open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change
Fabio Bastos