- Unhandled promise rejection - attach non-standard Error object stack info if possible (655b12dbfa by @ospfranco)
- Bump Metro to ^v0.80.3 (16dff523b0 by @huntie)
- Automatically reconnect to an existing debugger session on relaunching the app (0806ad7854 by @motiz88)
iOS specific
- Update ios pod post_install logic for detecting if hermes is enabled (d6163d7f43 by @gabrieldonadel)
- Fix comment about adding packages in android template (ac9b87cd57 by @janicduplessis)
- Fix boost download url (7e721f09ad by @cipolleschi)
- Removed invalid translations that prevented Play Store publishes. Fixes #42024 (8edc36e33c by @lunaleaps)
iOS specific
- Fix horizontal scrollview scrollTo coordinate space in RTL on oldarch (e809e0aca7 by @NickGerleman)
- enhance IP address retrieval for iOS devices in Metro bundler setup (9f28616650 by @Morritz)
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in this discussion
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the upgrade helper ⚛️
You can find the whole changelog history in the CHANGELOG.md file.