Android Runner Tracker which allows users to track running journeys and provide useful insights to these journeys.
Demo Video:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You will need
* Android Studio
Download this repo as ZIP folder (or git clone), unzip, import unzipped folder as a project into Android Studio. After building the project you can the run the project on any Android (virtual) device using Android 11 or a lower version.
Below is a list of requirements for the App.
- Allow user to record a journey which is saved to a database. The path, time, distance, date via gps
- Allow user to stop, start or pause a journey. Stopping a journey causes it to be saved
- Allow user to attach image to a saved journey
- Allow user to rate a journey out of 5
- Allow user to add comments about a certain journey
- Allow user to see a list of recorded journeys
- Clicking on a recorded journey displays more information (rating, comments, picture, time, distance, average distance, path on google maps)
- Allow user to delete a journey
- Allow use to see stastics page which shows how far ran today, this week, this month, all time and could graph these
- Allow user to set a goal for km to run every week, display whether the goal has been reached or not in the app.
- Allow user to track not only running but also cycling