Secure markdown renderer working on browsers for user input data.
- Secure DOM rendering.
- Declarative syntax.
- Recursive parsing.
- Incremental update.
- Progressive rendering.
- Unblinking rendering.
- Large document support.
- Syntax highlight with PrismJS.
- LaTeX rendering with MathJax.
- Figure, Annotation, and Reference syntax.
- Index generation for headings, terms, and figures.
- Shortlink syntax for local references of indexes and figures.
- Auto numbering of figures, annotations, and references.
- Cross reference generation for annotations and references.
- Table of contents.
- YouTube
- PDF (.pdf)
- Video (.webm, .ogv)
- Audio (.oga, .ogg)
- Images
- Heading (#)
- UList (-)
- OList (1., I., A., A-1., (1), (i), (a)-1)
- DList (~)
- Table (| |)
- Blockquote (>, !>)
- Preformattedtext (```)
- Pagebreak (===)
- Inline markups (*, **, `, []{}, {}, ![]{}, !{}, [](), ++, ~~, (()), ...)
- Inline HTML tags (<bdi>, <bdo>)
- Autolink (https://host, user@host, @user)
- Shortmedia (!https://host/image.png, !
- Syntex highlight (```lang filename)
- LaTeX (
$expr$ ,${expr}$ , $$) - Index ([#index], # title [|signature], ~ term [|signature])
- Figure (~~~figure $fig-name)
- Label ($fig-name, [$fig-name])
- Annotation (((annotation)))
- Reference ([[reference]])
- Channel (@user#tag)
- Hashtag (#tag)
- Template ({{ template }})
- Remark ([% remark %])
P | Operators |
9 | \n, \\n |
8 | ` |
6 | (()), [[]], {{}}, |
5 | [% %] |
4 | <tag></tag> |
3 | $, " |
2 | (), [], {} |
1 | *, **, ==, ++, ~~ |
- PrismJS
- MathJax
- jQuery (for Ajax)
- DOMPurify
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Edge (Chromium edition only)
Safari(Awaiting the support of lookbehind assertion in regular expressions)
Free to use this product only for private or offline usage under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 and the Apache License 2.0.