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API version MIT licensed

ETHZ & UZH mensas in zurich.

The app is published in the play store and in the f-droid store.

Overview Mensa View
Screenshot Main Screenshot Mensa
Screenshot Main Screenshot Mensa
Tablet view
Screenshot Tablet
Screenshot Tablet

Update mensa details

Has a new Mensa opened, or are the opening times no longer accurate? Feel free to directly submit a PR!

For UZH, look in uzh/locations_zfv.json.The infoUrlSlug must match the homepage slug (e.g. raemi59 for The slug must match the slug used in the GraphQL endpoint of ZFV (do a query on location and kitchen using these values). Note that this API needs an API key. There a multiple other APIs (e.g. food2020, mensaoffice); the chosen ZFV API needs just a single request, which is why it was chosen.

For ETH, look in eth/locations.json. The infoUrlSlug must match the hompage slug (e.g. zentrum/clausiusbar for The idSlug must be the id of the menu plan (e.g. for Clasiusbar, the menu plan linked here has the URL

For implementation details how the links are constructed (to try it out yourself), check out ETHMensaProvider2.kt and UZHMensaProvider2.kt.

Release Checklist

Release checklist:

  • ensure there is a .gradle/ file with content ZFV_API_KEY=Y2... (full key in Bitwarden)
  • increase the versionCode and adapt the versionName in app/build.gradle.
  • upload the signed abb to the play store (use assets/keystore.jks with strong PW)
  • generate a signed apk
  • write a changelog in fastlane metadata
  • commit
  • create a new release on github with the versionName and attach the signed apk

The key store can be found in assets/keystore.jks, the name of the key is upload.
The password is the personal strong passord of the author.

Development Status

This project is now less relevant for me (@famoser), as I neither use Android nor live in Zürich anymore. However, there are around 3k aktive users, so this project will be maintained indefinitely until there are technical reasons that would require a complete rebuilt of the application; or the user count falls substaintially. If someone wants to take over, feel free to reach out.

Technical improvements:

  • Update the technical foundations (dependencies, XML -> jetpack compose, resolve deprecation notices)
  • Remove remains of various API migrations (which happen every 2 years or so)
  • Refactor caches to minimize accesses which will further improve startup time

Functional improvements:

  • View menu for the whole week (usecase: plan ahead whether to prepare lunch for the next day)
  • Highlight vegetarian and vegan options