For each commit, given its adjacency matrixs of entity reference graph and code change graph (Preprocessing code in, this code aims at using HD-GNN to train a model which can classify the relations among code changes.
Due to the large size of the data file, we only present the preprocessed dataset of glide here( needs to be decompressed). Please preprocess other data according to
- macOS/Windows/Linux
- anaconda (python 3.7)
- Enter adjacency matrixs data path in
repo = 'glide'
x = np.load(r'./Adjset/'+repo+'/Cutting_Adjs/CAdjs_' + str(step) + '.npy', allow_pickle=True) # x是entity adj (100,200,200)
y = np.load(r'./Adjset/'+repo+'/Cutting_Adjs/CHunkAdjs_' + str(step) + '.npy', allow_pickle=True) # y是hunk adj (100,74,74)
- Enter some file paths that can assist in generating intermediate products that HD-GNN can learn from in
IndexPathList = open(r'./dataset/'+repo+'/IndexPathList/IndexPathList_' + str(step) + '.pkl', 'rb')
HunkIDmaps_path = open(r'./dataset/'+repo+'/HunkIDdict/HunkIDmap_' + str(step) + '.pkl', 'rb')
IndexPaths = joblib.load(IndexPathList)
HunkIDmaps = joblib.load(HunkIDmaps_path)
- Set model parameters in, especially:
parser.add_argument('--Ne', type=int, default=entity_node, help='The Number of entities') # 200, 250, 250
parser.add_argument('--Nc', type=int, default=hunk_node, help='The Number of code changes') # 74, 114, 150
parser.add_argument('--Ner', type=int, default=entity_edge,
help='The Number of entity Relations') # 39800, 62250, 62250
parser.add_argument('--Ncr', type=int, default=hunk_edge,
help='The Number of code change Relations') # 5402, 12882, 22350
parser.add_argument('--Step', type=int, default=step, help='the number of commits/groups') # 2, 3, 5
parser.add_argument('--Repo', type=str, default='glide', help='the name of repository')
- Set up training or testing in
parser.add_argument('--Type', dest='Type', default='train', help='train or test')
Then run the