A passionate software engineer who finds fulfillment in crafting elegant solutions to complex problems.
- Back-end Web Development with Django, Django Rest, Flask & Fast API.
- Machine learning & Data Science with pandas, numpy, Matplotlib, scikit-learn, Hugging Face, jupyter & Gensim (Word2Vec).
- Static typing with MyPy.
- Unit testing with pytest, unittest & coverage.py.
- Task scheduling with Celery.
- ORM with SQL Alchemy.
- Web scraping with Beatiful Soup.
- Mobile Development with TypeScript, React Native & Expo.
- Front-end Web Development with TypeScript, React & Next.js.
- Back-end Web Development with TypeScript & AdonisJS.
- GO: Bak-end Web Development with Gin, Object Relational Mapping with GORM.
- PHP: Back-end Web Development with Laravel.
- HTML: Frontend Web Development with HTML5.
- CSS: Frontend Web Development with CSS3 & Tailwind CSS.
- Relational Database Management (SQL) with MySQL & PostgreSQL.
- NoSQL Database Management with DynamoDB & MongoDB.
- Document Database Management with MongoDB.
- Object Storage (BLOB) with Amazon S3 & Azure Blob Storage.
- Using Redis as an in-memory data store.
- Using RabbitMQ as a message broker.
- Source Code Control and Versioning with Git & GitHub.
- Containerization and container orchestration with Docker.
- Container Orchestration Kubernetes & Minikube.
- Continuous Integration with Github Actions.
- Project Management with Notion, Jira & GitHub Projects.
- API Testing and Documentation with Postman & drf-spectacular (swagger-ui, redoc).
- Load Testing with Locust.
- Monitoring with Sentry.
- API Deployment with NGINX.
Learning Profiles: Google Cloud Skills Boost | Hacker Rank | Microsoft Build | Credly
CV: Download CV
Contact: farajiombonya@gmail.com