Releases: farin/JCloisterZone
Releases · farin/JCloisterZone
fix context binging
AS_ABBOT placement allowed only if monasteries capability is enabled
under hills count serialized into json
fix abbey merge against HS/short edge
keep tile definitions only at client side, use %load directive to poi…
Create maven.yml workflow
game clock / meeple undo
- game clock
- meeple deployment undo - confirmations has been redesigned. Deploy is done immediately with possibility to undo it.
- better broken connection indicator
- auto reconnect and join game when connection is lost
- expansion: The Goldmines
- expansion: Little buildings
- fix #58: wrong nickname in pre-game chat
- fix: chat panel now auto hides again
- fix #123: after selecting "play again", game dialog don't hide ai unsupported expansion
- fix #124: non-bidding bidding bazaars and tile stealing
- fix #134: allow abbot placement on tile already surrounded by 8 tiles
- online play: fixed "continue" and wrong player order and names when game created with RANDOM_SEATING_ORDER
- online play: chat is available after game ends
private online games
- online play - password protected games support
- tile color adjustment (Jozsef T)
- updated es translation (outdated in 3.1.0)
- error message bar can be dismissed
- rotate board (/ key)
- right click on board with shift down behave as middle mouse click (center board to click point)
- fix: too often AI placement on top of tower
- fix: "2-tiles bug" - if playing with GQ11 & King and Scout - at game and counter still shows 2 tiles
- fix: can't place on tower if there isn't normal placement possibility
- fix: It is not possible to place the phantom as an abbot on a German monastery
- fix: checking show farm hints option before game starts is broken
play online
- play online feature - play through public webserver
- Mage and Witch (Mini 5) expansion
- tile rotation behavior changed - tile is rotated to first valid position
- added play again button
- show tunnel tokens supply in control panel
- CornCicles ui - don't ask if there is not deployed any follower of that kind (if no player can perform any action)
- click on tile in control panel triggers rotation
- take board screenshot (pull request by Decar)
- game setup dialog (you can get included expansion/rules during game)
- improved image quality (Tunnel, Corn Circles, Festival, Flier)
- server can be run without ui - just run SimpleServer.main()
- fix: if game folder is not writeable, system APPDATA dir (win) or ~/.jcloisterzone (unix) is used
- fix: Cathars escape is not allowed for builder
- fix: beep sound playback in Linux
- fix: bazaar & builder & end of turn. (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException / unused auctioned tiles in hand when game over)