Simple project for PRF OSU KIP/MOSIM
Project should model and simulate workspaces in office where are more people than spaces. Some people can work from home, but only for limited amount of days.
Model helps to define what is optimal number of home offices, in office time and static office.
Model handles multiple teams.
Dataset is defined as array of teams, where on team definition is:
teamName: 'developers', //unique team name
teamColor: '#5c8bff', // color for workspace simulation
totalEmployees: 80, // total employees of the team
totalWorkspaces: 50, // total workspaces reserved for the team
totalStatic: 25, // number of workspaces with only one assigned person
oneHO: 5, // number of people allowed one work from home
twoHO: 2, // number of people allowed two work from home
threeHO: 3, // number of people allowed three work from home
fourHO: 2, // number of people allowed four work from home
fiveHO: 4, // number of people allowed five work from home