Texture-shaded elevation via the fractional-Laplacian operator.
(Above: Mount Sutro and Twin Peaks, San Francisco, at 1:20,000: texshaded at α=0.8)
Golden Gate Bridge, Marin to the left, San Francisco to the right, at 1:20,000: texshaded at α=0.8
(Above: Marin County Headlands, at 1:20,000: texshaded at α=0.8)
Table of contents:
- Texshade
The best way to understand texture-shaded elevation is to look at some examples: we gave some at the top of this document, but also take your time at the following links to get a visual sense of world with texture shading.
- Leland Brown's textureshading.com is a great start because that's the inventor of the technique, and the website contrasts raw terrain, texture-shaded terrain, and more conventional hillshaded terrain. (There are also links to papers/slides from 2010 and 2014 describing the technique of texture shading in detail.)
- My blog post also contains some pretty images, mashing up various basemaps with texture-shaded terrain: Texture-shaded Globe.
- Zoran Čučković's QGIS plugin also has some captivating images.
In words though, texture shading is a visualization technique for digital elevation maps (DEMs) that highlights the network nature of topography, throwing ridges, canyons, and valleys into sharp relief.
(In more words: it works by applying a specific sharpening filter, called a fractional-Laplacian operator, to the elevation. The filter is applied in the frequency domain.)
This repository contains an open-source public-domain Python/Numpy software library to apply the texture shading algorithm on extremely large datasets that are far too large to fit in your computer's memory.
This is useful because a straightforward implementation of the texture-shading technique requires loading the entire elevation map into memory. For large datasets—like the ASTER Global DEM, which comes in at roughly 250 GB compressed—you either have to find a computer with a lot of memory, or you have to modify the technique slightly.
So in this repository, we apply a well-known trick from signal processing theory, called the overlap-save method, to avoid loading the entire terrain into memory 😁. However, this trick requires us to approximate the exact texture-shading "filter" slightly 😕. In exchange for being able to process huge elevation datasets, you need to accept approximated texture-shaded images—visually you can barely tell the difference 🎆!
(Don't worry, you can use this repo to texture-shade smaller elevation maps as well 😊!)
To install this library:
$ python -m pip install texshade
To use it, in your Python code:
import texshade
There are just three functions in the API. This can serve as a quick introduction to the algorithm itself.
def texshadeFFT(x: np.ndarray, alpha: float) -> np.ndarray
This applies the texture shading algorithm to an array x
of elevation data, with a shading detail factor alpha
>= 0.
This is the exact, high-memory, classic implementation of texture shading. It computes a real-only FFT of the entire array x
. Use this if your x
fits comfortably in RAM: this function is fast and exact.
is the shading detail factor, i.e., the power of the fractional-Laplacian operator. alpha=0
means no detail (output is the same as the input). alpha=2.0
is the full (non-fractional) Laplacian operator and is probably too high. alpha <= 1.0
seem aesthetically pleasing.
def texshadeSpatial(
x: np.ndarray,
alpha: Optional[float] = None,
nDiameter: Optional[int] = None,
filter: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
# ols kwargs
) -> np.ndarray
This is the low-memory approximation of the texture shading algorithm. It convolves the input array with an FIR (finite impulse response) approximation of the true fractional-Laplacian operator using an FFT-accelerated overlap-save algorithm ("fast-convolution"). This allows x
to be arbitrarily large: data can be stored on disk and loaded as a memory-mapped array.
Instead of computing the entire FFT of the input array x
(like texshade.texshadeFFT
), this function can either
- generate the smaller spatial-domain filter (the approximation to the true Laplacian) to be a square array with dimensions
per side and for shading detail factoralpha
(for tips on pickingalpha
, see notes fortexshade.texshadeFFT
above), or - reuse the
you've already generated viatexshade.makeFilter
(see below).
Background on nDiameter
In the exact fractional-Laplacian operator implemented in texshade.texshadeFFT
(above), each pixel in the output theoretically gets a contribution from each pixel of the input. This function, in contrast, limits contributions to a given output pixel to just the nDiameter
by nDiameter
sub-array that surrounds it in the original.
Tips on picking nDiameter
There's a risk to making nDiameter
too small or too large:
- if this is too small, the approximation will be inaccurate and you'll get ugly output. You want it big enough so each
pixel sub-array of terrainx
has a rich set of physical features. - If this is too large, then you'll run out of RAM performing even the small FFTs needed by the overlap-save fast-convolution.
The three remaining keyword arguments are for the overlap-save ("ols") algorithm that does the fast-convolution and are important to understand when you need to texture-shade huge datasets. They are fully documented in the docstring, so I won't duplicate that here.
This function will also pass any other keyword arguments kwargs
to the ols
overlap-save module. This lets you override the Scipy FFT with, for example, multi-threaded PyFFTW, etc.
def makeFilter(shape: List[int], alpha: float, dtype=float) -> np.ndarray
This function returns the filter (i.e., the approximation to the fractional-Laplacian operator) to use with texshade.texshadeSpatial
). The output array has dimensions shape
and type dtype
. If shape
has just one element, the output array will be square. If your terrain is a Numpy array of type float32
, pass in dtype=numpy.float32
, otherwise it defaults to 64-bit floats.
The shading factor alpha
is the same as texshade.texshadeFFT
That should be all you need to start using this library! The rest of this document is a tutorial that describes all the other pieces you are likely to need to use this library effectively.
Let's work through an the entire pipeline that texture shading is a part of:
- getting some raw digital elevation data as multiple files,
- merging them into a single file,
- applying the texture shading algorithm,
- quantizing the results so each pixel is a byte (256 levels), and
- emitting a georegistered texture-shaded terrain as PNG, ready for the web, QGIS, etc.
There are a few useful scripts in the ./tutorial directory of this repo. Download them individually, or just clone this repo (install Git, run git clone https://github.com/fasiha/texshade-py.git; cd texshade-py/tutorial
This section is about installing GDAL, imagemagick, and texshade
itself. Skip to the data step if you have all those installed.
Because setting up GDAL is often a tricky and laborious process, there are many tutorials online—I'd like to share my approach because it's easy, reliable, cross-platform.
Install miniconda, a small command-line application that lets you create conda-based virtual environments, and download/install dependencies.
Conda is awesome. I avoided it for years because it seemed corporate (Enthought), and because I thought I didn't need another Python environment manager beyond venv? But conda-forge is a fully volunteer-run organization that packages all kinds of dependencies for all feasible operating systems and CPU architectures. So it's perfect for us to install the C++ and Python GDAL tools.
# create environment
conda create -n texshade-tutorial
# "enter" the environment
conda activate texshade-tutorial
# install binary dependencies
conda install -c conda-forge gdal imagemagick
# install this repo
pip install texshade
We ask conda to install gdal
, which is a Swiss Army chainsaw for geographic data process, and imagemagick
, which is used by the tutorial to create and manipulate images. Pip is used to install texshade
(this library) from PyPI since I haven't created a conda-forge recipe for it.
Download some data! I've downloaded three tiles from the SRTM DEM (from https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/) on the African coastline near 0° N and 0° W, because I've been loving John K Thornton's Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800:
- N00E009.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip
- N00E010.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip
- N00E011.SRTMGL1.hgt.zip
Unzip all three—a useful shell script for macOS/Linux/WSL:
for i in *.hgt.zip; do unzip $i; done
and then combine them into a single "image", merged.vrt
gdalbuildvrt merged.vrt N00E009.hgt N00E010.hgt N00E011.hgt
VRT is really cool! It's just a little text file that just points to the files on disk with the actual data, and it Just Works with all of GDAL tooling.
Running gdalinfo merged.vrt
produces the following output:
Driver: VRT/Virtual Raster
Files: merged.vrt
Size is 10801, 3601
Origin = (8.999861111111111,1.000138888888889)
Pixel Size = (0.000277777777778,-0.000277777777778)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 8.9998611, 1.0001389) ( 8d59'59.50"E, 1d 0' 0.50"N)
Lower Left ( 8.9998611, -0.0001389) ( 8d59'59.50"E, 0d 0' 0.50"S)
Upper Right ( 12.0001389, 1.0001389) ( 12d 0' 0.50"E, 1d 0' 0.50"N)
Lower Right ( 12.0001389, -0.0001389) ( 12d 0' 0.50"E, 0d 0' 0.50"S)
Center ( 10.5000000, 0.5000000) ( 10d30' 0.00"E, 0d30' 0.00"N)
Band 1 Block=128x128 Type=Int16, ColorInterp=Undefined
NoData Value=-32768
This looks good: we have a 10801 by 3601 image whose center is close to the equator, as expected. We do note that there’s a special value, -32768 (-2**15
), for missing data.
To confine GDAL and geo-registered images to the edges of my workflow, I want to convert this elevation data to a simple Numpy array. convert.py
does that (and takes care of that NoData Value
), so run it:
python convert.py
This creates a new file, merged.vrt.npy
It's time to apply the texture-shading algorithm—what you've all come for! demo.py
exercises the texshade
library published by this repo. I've picked α of 0.8, and it runs the memory-intensive texshadeFFT
python demo.py
This creates a new file, merged.vrt.npy.tex.npy
(note the "tex" in the filename).
I always clamp the texture-shaded array to between, say, 1-percentile and 99-percentile, to improve the base contrast. (Apps, like my Texture-Shaded Globe, let you add even more contrast.)
Then I quantize the floating-point data to 8 bits and write a georegistererd TIF, which is great for QGIS and other GIS tooling, but it's also nice to have a PNG to post on social media.
So postprocess.py
takes care of this. Run it
python postprocess.py
then follow the instructions to generate PNGs, specifically,
gdal_translate scaled.tif scaled.png
gdal_translate -scaled merged.vrt orig.png
to create
, the texture-shaded GeoTIFF,scaled.png
, the texture-shaded 8-bit PNG, andorig.png
, the original DEM data as an 8-bit PNG, for comparison.
The PNG generated in the above image is way too big for the web. This next Bash command uses imagemagick's convert
(installed by conda above) to resize the output images so I can include them in this repo.
for i in orig.png scaled.png; do
convert -filter Mitchell -sampling-factor 1x1 -quality 90 -resize 2048 $i $i.small.png;
I hope the tutorial scripts above,
, andpostprocess.py
(and the script below), are reusable! They should be readily adaptable to a wide variety of data and applications.
When we called texshadeFFT
above, Python computed the two-dimensional FFT of the entire elevation array. This means that your computer had enough memory to store
- not just the entire elevation array but also
- its (real-only) Fourier transform,
- the fractional-Laplacian frequency-domain filter (the frequency vector's norm raised to power α).
Even if we didn't store #3 above (e.g., if we used Numba to modify #2 in-place), since FFTW cannot do in-place Fourier transforms, we're still left with needing 3× the entire elevation array in free memory.
Imagine that we wanted to texture-shade our data on a tiny computer with a huge disk. We can load it as a memory-mapped file, so Numpy only reads the chunks of data it needs from disk to RAM, and run texshadeSpatial
. This is demonstrated in memmap.py. Run it:
python memmap.py
and follow the instructions to convert from GeoTIFF to PNG:
gdal_translate mmap.tif mmap.png
to produce a file, mmap.png
I used a 500 by 500 spatial filter: each pixle in the output image received contributions from the 500 by 500 pixel grid around it in the input, and no contribution from pixels outside that neighborhood.
The keyword argument size=[1500, 2000]
was provided to texshadeSpatial
. As explained in the docstring, this means that the overlap-save algorithm will take two-dimensional FFTs of roughly size + nDiameter - 1 = [1999, 2499]
. (We zeropad the input to FFT sizes with small prime factors, so each FFT will actually be 2000 by 2500.) This is much smaller than a full 2D FFT of the entire 3601 by 10801 input array.
Note that the overlap-save algorithm, while overall efficient, is going to be slower than the single-large-FFT in texshadeFFT
. Furthermore, memory-mapping and disk-I/O is also going to be much slower than RAM. As is hopefully clear, you only want to use texshadeSpatial
if you don't have the RAM for texshadeFFT
Let's generate a few crops (using convert
from imagemagick
, installed by conda above):
for i in mmap.png scaled.png; do
convert -crop 500x500+1090+1341 $i crop1-$i;
convert -crop 500x500+3300+202 $i crop2-$i;
convert -crop 500x500+7054+1968 $i crop3-$i;
Inspecting these, the only differences I see are due to slight differences in the contrast.
We can finally run the texture shading algorithm on enormous datasets without needing gargantuan amounts of memory!