I forked Noam Ross's repository and tried to make a Hugo theme from it. The theme is at https://github.com/fboehm/noamross.
To alter appearance of CV, consider editing work.html
within the noamross theme: https://github.com/fboehm/noamross/blob/master/layouts/partials/work.html
When serving site with blogdown::serve_site(), how do I add arguments to call to hugo? Maybe write my own function that modifies serve_site()? I would like to add enableGitInfo option to Hugo calls.
Below is Noam Ross's README for his repository noamross.net:
This is the repository for my personal website, https://www.noamross.net.
- The site is generated using the Hugo static site generator, with the R package blogdown generating R Markdown posts.
- The Kube framework by Imperavi provides basic layout and user-interaction.
- De#spiration is taken from Greg Restall's consequently.org and the lovely but defunct Gentle Reader.
- Some design elements are inspired by Edward Tufte's handout designs, as implemented in the tufte-css framework.
- The site uses the fonts Alegreya by Huerta Tipográfica. and IM Fell English, extracted from John Fell's historic types by Igino Marini. Fonts are served by Google Fonts. Icons are provided by Font Awesome.
- My CV is generated from data on ORCiD using the rorcid package.
- The site is hosted at nearlyfreespeech.net and deployed using Circle CI. Assets are delivered via the jsDeliver CDN.