This web application enables users to log in and #, search for books, and save or delete books to their account.
The project's objective was to transform a RESTful API-based Google Books API search engine into a GraphQL API using Apollo Server. This conversion entailed replacing RESTful API with GraphQL queries and mutations for data retrieval and modification, adjusting authentication middleware for compatibility with a GraphQL API, and setting up an Apollo Provider. The biggest challenge was rendering saved books on the user's account, which was resolved with assistance from a second set of eyes. This help revealed errors, such as an extra bracket causing an empty saved books array and an invalid argument passed into a book-saving function, which allowed the project to be completed successfully.
Installation is not required. Please navigate to the deployed site by clicking this link.
- Open the deployed site
- Click the
button on the nav in the top right corner of the screen - # as a new user by entering the required fields
- In the search bar, type in a book or author you'd like to search for
- To save a book, find a book you'd like to save, then click the blue
Save this Book!
button - To view your saved books, click the
See Your Books
link in the nav on the top right corner of the screen - To delete a book from your saved books list, click the
Delete this Book!
button under the saved book
While creating this project, I read documentation on GraphQL, Apollo Server, Apollo Client/Provider, and React.js. Additionally, I recieved feedback and support from my 2U tutor.