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This library is still experimental, and have not been used in production project.

VStyle is a library for managing styles with JavaScript.

Inspired by :


VStyle has been developped with 2 goals in mind:

  • Allows developper to take advantage of (almost) all CSS features.
  • Keeping all of CSS in JS benefits.


  • Define your styles with JavaScript
  • Server-side rendering
  • support media-query, pseudo selectors etc...
  • Deterministic styles resolution
  • Autoprefixer
  • A plugin system that allows you to transform rules at creation time


You can install VStyle through npm

npm install --save vstyle

React integration

A react integration called react-vstyle can be found in this repository.



To manage styles with VStyle you must start by creating a StyleSheet :

import { StyleSheet } from 'vstyle';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  myBaseStyle: {
    fontFamily: 'arial',
  myButtonStyle: {
    backgroundColor: 'blue',
    color: 'red',


Then you create a StylesRenderer :

import { createStylesRenderer } from 'vstyle';

const stylesRenderer =  createStylesRenderer();

// styles renderer has to be attached to a 'style' element in the dom

Then you can start consuming the styles of your StyleSheet using the renderStyles method of the StylesRenderer :

const classNames = stylesRenderer.renderStyle(styles.myBaseStyle, styles.myButtonStyle);

<MyElement className={classNames} />

Server Side rendering

You can prerender the CSS of your application on the server. To do so you should use the renderToString, and serialize method of the StylesRenderer, and rehydrate the StylesRenderer on the client.

// server.js
import { createStylesRenderer } from 'vstyle';

const stylesRenderer = createStylesRenderer();

// ... render some styles

const css = stylesRenderer.renderToString();
const stylesRendererState = stylesRenderer.serialize();

return `
      <style id="vstyle-style">${css}</style>
        const stylesRenderer = createStylesRenderer(${serialize(stylesRendererState)});


Plugins allows you to modify Rule at creation time. A set of official plugins are provided with VStyle for commons usages.

The default unit plugin

This plugin automaticly appends a unit suffix to number values of your rules :

import { registerPlugin, StyleSheet } from 'vstyle';
import defaultUnitPlugin from 'vstyle/lib/plugins/default-unit';


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  button: {
    width: 100,

This plugin takes has argument an options object :

  unit: string = 'px',
  [index: string]: string,

By default it uses px for each property, but you can specify a different unit, or per property unit :

  unit: 'cm',
  fontSize: 'rem',

The extends plugin

This plugin let you specify dependencies for your Rule, when this rule will be used by an element, dependencies will be automaticly be prepend to the resulting class names.

import { registerPlugin, StyleSheet } from 'vstyle';
import extendsPlugin from 'vstyle/lib/plugins/extends';


const styles1 = StyleSheet.create({
  rule1: {
    fontSize: 10,
  rule2: {
    extends: () => styles1.rule1,
    color: 'blue',

const styles2 = StyleSheet.create({
  rule3: {
    extends: styles1.rule1
    width: 100,
  rule4: {
    extends: () => [styles1.rule1, styles2.rule3],
    width: 100,

The media query plugin

This plugin let you use media queries in your rules definitions :

import { registerPlugin, StyleSheet } from 'vstyle';
import mediaQueryPlugin from 'vstyle/lib/plugins/media-query';


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  button: {
    fontSize: 12,
    '@media (max-width: 600px)': {
      fontSize: 14,

The nested selector plugin

This plugin let you use nested selector in your rule definition :

import { registerPlugin, StyleSheet } from 'vstyle';
import nestedSelectorPlugin from 'vstyle/lib/plugins/nested-selector';


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  button: {
    backgroundColor: 'blue',
    '&:hover, &:active, &:focus': {
      backgroundColor: 'red',

The prefixer plugin

This plugin apply the inline-style-prefix-all autoprefixer on your rules.

import { registerPlugin, StyleSheet } from 'vstyle';
import prefixer from 'vstyle/lib/plugins/prefixer';


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  myContainer: {
    display: 'flex',
    justifyContent: 'center',



StyleSheet.create([id: string], styleDefinition: Object): StyleSheet

Creates a new StyleSheet.

Parameters :

  • id: optional id of the StyleSheet if not provided it will be generated by creating a hash from the stringified style representation.
  • style: the style representation of the StyleSheet, each property represent a rule that can be applied to an element.

StyleSheet.createRule([id: string], styleDefinition: Object): string

Creates a single Rule.

Parameters :

  • id: optional id of the Rule if not provided it will be generated by creating a hash from the stringified style representation.
  • style: the style representation of the Rule.


createStylesRenderer([serializedState: Object]): StylesRenderer

Creates a new styles renderer.

Parameters :

  • serializedState: the serialized state of previous StylesRenderer instance obtained trough the serialize method of the styles renderer, usefull for server side rendering.

StylesRenderer.renderStyles(...styles: any[]): string

Returns class names to apply to an element corresponding to the styles passed as arguments. renderStyles will insert the css corresponding to given styles to the attached style element if necessary.

Parameters :

  • styles: the styles to render.It should be an array of styles id retrived through StyleSheet.create or StyleSheet.createRule. Falsy values (false, undefined, null, 0, '') will be ignored, also the given array will be flattened.

StylesRenderer.attach(styleElement: HTMLStyleElement): void

Attaches a StylesRenderer to a style element.

StylesRenderer.renderToString(): string

Returns a string representation of the CSS rendered by the stylesRenderer.

StylesRenderer.serialize(): StylesRendererState

Returns a serialized version of the StylesRenderer state.


registerPlugin(plugin: Plugin): void

Register a plugin that will apply transformation on created Rule. A plugin is a function with the following signature:

plugin(ruleModifier: RuleModifier, style: Object): void


  • ruleModifier an object with the following type :
type RuleModifier = {
   * Allows a plugin to add a definition to the rule.
   * @param selector the selector corresponding to this definition (ex: '&:hover' )
   * @param media the media corresponding to this definition (ex: '@media screen and (max-width: 640px)' )
   * @param style the style of the new definition
  addDefinition(selector: Nullable<string>, media: Nullable<string>, style: StyleObject): void;

   * Allows a plugin to add a dependency to the rule.
   * @param ruleId the id of the Rule dependency.
  addDependency(ruleId: string): void;
  • style : the style object of the corresponding rule, you can mutate this object to obtain the desired behavior.

plugins will be applied in order of registration.


A lib for managing styles with JavaScript.







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