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Caner Çalışkaner edited this page Feb 23, 2022 · 10 revisions

What are the requirements to run this app?

It is recommended to use an Android device with at least Android 5.0 (lollipop) for best results. Octo4a also comes with experimental support for older Androids up to 4.3. You will also need an USB OTG cable (preferably the Y type) and about 700 MB of free storage on your phone.

Why cannot I download octo4a from the Play Store?

Unfortunately due to legal and technical limitations, the Play Store does not allow apps like octo4a.

How do I charge my phone and connect to the printer at the same time?


I want to access OctoPrint's data. How can I do that?

You can access all the data from Android/data/com.octo4a folder. Can't see the folder? Since Android 11 the access to it has been limited. You can work it around by using the built-in files app. See more in this thread on reddit.

I'm trying to install a plugin but it does not work. What can I do?

If you haven't already, please install "Plugin extras" from octo4a settings and try again. If that does not take care of the problem, please leave a message on the Telegram channel or create an issue describing the plugin you're trying to install.

The performance of OctoPrint is poor when the screen is off. What can I do?

Please try disabling any battery optimizations in your phone settings. Also make sure that the phone is plugged in and charging. As a last resort, you can prevent the screen from turning off by going to the the developer settings and checking "Stay Awake".

My printer is not being automatically detected by octo4a. The app says "Printer not connected" even though it is connected via USB.

It is possible that your printer has an uncommon USB vendor id/product id. This happens especially on exotic Chinese 3D printers and mainboards. The app has a list of VIDs/PIDs which is used by Android to choose the app to handle the device. You can work this around by manually checking the right driver and selecting it inside octo4a. If you experience it, please leave a message on the Telegram channel or create an issue so that we can add your printer.

I want to manually access the camera server. How can I do that?

You can access the camera server's stream under your_ip:5001/mjpeg and fetch a snapshot of it on your_ip:5001/snapshot.

How can I use Web Terminal

After setting up OpenSSH server on settings tab, You can go to http://<your-ip>:5002 and use root username and the password you selected on the settings tab.

How can I SSH into

After setting up OpenSSH server on settings tab, You can use ssh root@<your-ip> -p 8022 command on a terminal. If you selected another port than 8022, use that.

I need help with using this app. Is there any way I can get support?

You can join our group on telegram for support and if you found a bug or a program you can create an issue.