The goal of ReactiveMongo Extensions is to provide all the necessary tools for ReactiveMongo other than the core functionality.
This project has moved to
Here is a complete example using Play 2.2, ReactiveMongo Extensions and Flight.js
ReactiveMongo Extensions comes as 2 separate packages which are reactivemongo-extensions-bson
and reactivemongo-extensions-json
reactivemongo-extensions-bson package targets ReactiveMongo, while reactivemongo-extensions-json targets Play-ReactiveMongo.
DAOs provide an abstraction layer on top of ReactiveMongo adding higher level APIs like findOne, findById, count, foreach, fold, etc.
ReactiveMongo Extensions currently provides two DAO types: reactivemongo.extensions.dao.BsonDao
for BSONCollection
for JSONCollection
You will need to define a DAO for each of your models(case classes).
Below is a sample model.
import reactivemongo.bson._
import reactivemongo.extensions.dao.Handlers._
case class Person(
_id: BSONObjectID = BSONObjectID.generate,
name: String,
surname: String,
age: Int)
object Person {
implicit val personHandler = Macros.handler[Person]
To define a BsonDao for the Person model you just need to extend BsonDao.
import reactivemongo.api.{ MongoDriver, DB }
import reactivemongo.bson.BSONObjectID
import reactivemongo.bson.DefaultBSONHandlers._
import reactivemongo.extensions.dao.BsonDao
object MongoContext {
val driver = new MongoDriver
val connection = driver.connection(List("localhost"))
def db(): DB = connection("reactivemongo-extensions")
object PersonDao extends BsonDao[Person, BSONObjectID](MongoContext.db, "persons")
From now on you can insert a Person instance, find it by id, find a random person or etc.
val person1 = Person(name = "foo", surname = "bar", age = 16)
val person2 = Person(name = "fehmi can", surname = "saglam", age = 32)
val person3 = Person(name = "ali", surname = "veli", age = 64)
PersonDao.insert(Seq(person2, person3))
PersonDao.findRandom(BSONDocument("age" -> BSONDocument("$ne" -> 16)))
Read more about BsonDao here and JsonDao here.
There are also DSL helpers for each DAO type, which are reactivemongo.extensions.dsl.BsonDsl
and reactivemongo.extensions.json.dsl.JsonDsl
DSL helpers provide utilities to easily construct JSON or BSON queries.
By mixing in or importing BsonDsl you could write the query above like this:
import reactivemongo.extensions.dsl.BsonDsl._
PersonDao.findRandom("age" $gt 16 $lt 32)
Read more about Query DSL here.
The Criteria DSL provides the ablity to formulate queries thusly:
// Using an Untyped.criteria
import Untyped._
// The MongoDB properties referenced are not enforced by the compiler
// to belong to any particular type. This is what is meant by "Untyped".
val adhoc = criteria.firstName === "Jack" && criteria.age >= 18;
val cursor = collection.find(adhoc).cursor[BSONDocument];
// Using a Typed criteria which restricts properties to the
// given type.
import Typed._
case class ExampleDocument (aProperty : String, another : Int)
val byKnownProperties = criteria[ExampleDocument].aProperty =~ "^[A-Z]\\w+" &&
criteria[ExampleDocument].another > 0;
val cursor = collection.find(byKnownProperties).cursor[BSONDocument];
Read more about Criteria DSL here.
By defining a life cycle object, one can preprocess all models before being persisted or perform specific actions after life cycle events. This can be useful for updating temporal fields on all model instances before persisting.
import reactivemongo.bson._
import reactivemongo.extensions.dao.LifeCycle
import reactivemongo.extensions.dao.Handlers._
import reactivemongo.extensions.util.Logger
import org.joda.time.DateTime
case class TemporalModel(
_id: BSONObjectID = BSONObjectID.generate,
name: String,
surname: String,
createdAt: DateTime =,
updatedAt: DateTime =
object TemporalModel {
implicit val temporalModelFormat = Macros.handler[TemporalModel]
implicit object TemporalModelLifeCycle extends LifeCycle[TemporalModel, BSONObjectID] {
def prePersist(model: TemporalModel): TemporalModel = {
Logger.debug(s"prePersist $model")
model.copy(updatedAt =
def postPersist(model: TemporalModel): Unit = {
Logger.debug(s"postPersist $model")
def preRemove(id: BSONObjectID): Unit = {
Logger.debug(s"preRemove $id")
def postRemove(id: BSONObjectID): Unit = {
Logger.debug(s"postRemove $id")
def ensuredIndexes(): Unit = {
ReactiveMongo Extensions support auto indexes which ensures indexes on DAO load.
object PersonDao extends {
override val autoIndexes = Seq(
Index(Seq("name" -> IndexType.Ascending), unique = true, background = true),
Index(Seq("age" -> IndexType.Ascending), background = true)
} with BsonDao[Person, BSONObjectID](MongoContext.db, "persons")
You can override writeConcern in your DAO definition which defaults to GetLastError().
object PersonDao extends BsonDao[Person, BSONObjectID](MongoContext.db, "persons") {
override def defaultWriteConcern = GetLastError(j = true)
You can define your fixtures using HOCON. Lexical scopes are supported in addition to HOCON spec.
_predef {
country: TC
# "persons" collection
persons {
person1 {
_id: _id_person1
name: Ali
surname: Veli
fullname: ${name} ${surname}
age: 32
salary: 999.85
time: 12345678900
country: ${}
person2 {
_id: _id_person2
name: Haydar
surname: Cabbar
fullname: ${name} ${surname}
age: ${person1.age}
salary: { "$double": 1000.0 }
time: 12345678999
country: ${}
# Predefined reusable values
_predef {
location: {
city: Ankara
place: Salon
# "events" collection
events {
event1 {
_id: _id_event1
title: Developer workshop
organizer: ${persons.person1.fullname}
location: ${_predef.location}
After defining your fixtures you can load them using BsonFixtures
or JsonFixtures
import reactivemongo.extensions.bson.fixtures.BsonFixtures
BsonFixtures(db).load("persons.conf", "events.conf")
While composing futures with for comprehensions, handling option values can be cumbersome.
operator converts a Future[Option[T]]
to Future[T]
. It throws a java.util.NoSuchElementException if the Option is None.
Then you can check the exception in Future.recover
import reactivemongo.extensions.Implicits._
(for {
model1 <- ~dao.findOne("none" $eq "unknown")
model2 <- ~dao.findOne("none" $eq "unknown")
result <- compute(model1, model2)
} yield result) recover {
case ex: java.util.NoSuchElementException =>
println("Option is None")
throw ex
The general format is that release a.b.c.d is compatible with ReactiveMongo a.b.c. Current version matrix is below:
reactivemongo-extensions-bson | Target ReactiveMongo version |
---|---| | 0.10.0 | | 0.10.0 |
reactivemongo-extensions-json | Target Play-ReactiveMongo version |
---|---| | 0.10.2 | | 0.10.2 |
Note: Only available for scala 2.10.
If you use SBT, you just have to edit build.sbt and add the following:
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"net.fehmicansaglam" %% "reactivemongo-extensions-bson" % ""
Or if you want to be on the bleeding edge using snapshots:
resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"net.fehmicansaglam" %% "reactivemongo-extensions-bson" % ""
Contributions are always welcome. Good ways to contribute include:
- Raising bugs and feature requests
- Fixing bugs
- Improving the performance
- Adding to the documentation