Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the database:
npm run dev:db
Migrate the database:
npx prisma migrate dev
Start the React Router app in the dev server:
npm run dev:react-router
Start Storybook by
npm run dev:storybook
Run DB, dev server, and Storybook in one command:
npm run dev
Start Playwright in UI Mode:
npm run e2e
See .env.example
- React Router (framework)
- Prisma
- Headless UI
- openid-client
- React Aria
- Heroicons
- React Number Format
- date-fns
- slugify
- tiny-invariant
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- Vitest
- Playwright
- Auth0 (managing users in Playwright tests)
- Storybook
- bun (for running e2e clean script)
- Create a tag for the release version
- Push the tag to the repo
This creates automatically a corresponding release on GitHub and deploys it to production.