未对 pbrt-v3 本身做修改,仅添加了对应英文注释的中文注释,并增加了一些个人笔记。
- bvh (Bounding Volume Hierarchy,层次包围盒)
- kdtreeaccel (kdtree)
- environment
- orthographic (正视投影相机)
- perspective (透视投影相机)
- realistic
- api (pbrt 对外提供的 api)
- bssrdf
- camera
- efloat
- error
- fileuti
- film
- filter
- floatfile
- geometry (包含了 vector3、point3、normal3、bbox、ray 等基础类)
- imageio
- integrator (积分器的基类,包含了核心的渲染算法)
- interaction (记录了光线与 surface 或 volume 的交点)
- interpolation
- light
- lightdistrib (光源功率的分布)
- lowdiscrepancy
- material
- medium
- memory
- microfacet
- mipmap.h
- parallel
- paramset
- parser
- pbrt.h (公共头文件)
- pbrtlex.cpp
- pbrtlex.ll
- pbrtparse
- pbrtparse.output
- pbrtparse.y
- primitive
- progressreporter (用于报告进度)
- quaternion
- reflection (brdf)
- rng.h (Random Number Generator,随机数生成器)
- sampler
- sampling (独立的采样算法)
- scene
- shape
- sobolmatrices
- spectrum (光谱类,可简单的视为一个 RGBColor)
- stats
- stringprint
- texture
- transform (矩阵类)
- ao (Ambient Occlusion,环境光遮蔽)
- bdpt (Bidirectional Path Tracing,双向路径跟踪)
- dl (directlighting,直接光照)
- mlt (Metropolis Light Transport,梅特波利斯光线传输)
- path (Path Tracing,路径跟踪)
- sppm (Stochastic Progressive Photon Mapping,随机渐进光子映射)
- volpath (Volume Path Tracing,体积路径跟踪)
- whitted (Recursive Ray Tracing,递归光线跟踪)
- disney
- fourier
- glass
- hair
- kdsubsurface
- matte
- metal
- mirror
- mixmat
- plastic
- substrate
- subsurface
- translucent
- uber
- halton
- maxmin
- random
- sobol
- stratified
- zerotwosequence
This repository holds the source code to the new version of pbrt that is described in the third edition of Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation, by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys. As before, the code is available under the BSD license.
Please see the User's Guide for more information about how to check out and build the system as well as various additional information about working with pbrt.
Over 10GB of example scenes are available for download. (Many are new and weren't available with previous versions of pbrt.) We're trying an experiment and making them available via git. Run:
$ git clone git://git.pbrt.org/pbrt-v3-scenes
to get them. We will update this repository as more scenes become
available. (See the README.md.html file
in the scene distribution for
more information about the scenes and preview images.)
The pbrt website has general information about both Physically Based Rendering as well as pbrt-v2, the previous version of the system.
To check out pbrt together with all dependencies, be sure to use the
flag when cloning the repository, i.e.
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/mmp/pbrt-v3/
If you accidentally already cloned pbrt without this flag (or to update an pbrt source tree after a new submodule has been added, run the following command to also fetch the dependencies:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
pbrt uses cmake for its build system. On Linux and OS X, cmake is available via most package management systems. For Windows, or to build it from source, see the cmake downloads page.
- For command-line builds on Linux and OS X, once you have cmake installed,
create a new directory for the build, change to that directory, and run
cmake [path to pbrt-v3]
. A Makefile will be created in that current directory. Runmake -j4
, and pbrt, the obj2pbrt and imgtool utilities, and an executable that runs pbrt's unit tests will be built. - To make an XCode project file on OS X, run
cmake -G Xcode [path to pbrt-v3]
. - Finally, on Windows, the cmake GUI will create MSVC solution files that you can load in MSVC.
If you plan to edit the lexer and parser for pbrt's input files
and src/core/pbrtparase.y
), you'll also want to
have bison and
flex installed. On OS X, note that the
version of flex that ships with the developer tools is extremely old and is
unable to process pbrtlex.ll
; you'll need to install a more recent
version of flex in this case.
By default, the build files that are created that will compile an optimized release build of pbrt. These builds give the highest performance when rendering, but many runtime checks are disabled in these builds and optimized builds are generally difficult to trace in a debugger.
To build a debug version of pbrt, set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
flag to
when you run cmake to create build files to make a debug build. For
example, when running cmake from the command lne, provide it with the
argument -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
. Then build pbrt using the resulting
build files. (You may want to keep two build directories, one for release
builds and one for debug builds, so that you don't need to switch back and
Debug versions of the system run much more slowly than release builds. Therefore, in order to avoid surprisingly slow renders when debugging support isn't desired, debug versions of pbrt print a banner message indicating that they were built for debugging at startup time.
There are two configuration settings that must be set at compile time. The first controls whether pbrt uses 32-bit or 64-bit values for floating-point computation, and the second controls whether tristimulus RGB values or sampled spectral values are used for rendering. (Both of these aren't amenable to being chosen at runtime, but must be determined at compile time for efficiency).
To change them from their defaults (respectively, 32-bit
and RGB.), edit the file src/core/pbrt.h
To select 64-bit floating point values, remove the comment symbol before the line:
and recompile the system.
To select full-spectral rendering, comment out the first of these two typedefs and remove the comment from the second one:
typedef RGBSpectrum Spectrum;
// typedef SampledSpectrum Spectrum;
Again, don't forget to recompile after making this change.