Parses Blackboard Learn log files that fit the bb-logName-log.txt format. Access logs not included.
After each log file is parsed, an HTML file is created to summarize its content. Duplicate errors are removed, in favor of timestamps and a count. The error message is listed initially with an option to expand the stack. A nav bar is created to access each log file parsed The table is sortable by first time of occurrence(Error) and Count.
This is a work in progress. I'll need to add error handling and fine tune the GUI. It doesn't work how I'd like it to right now.
To use:
- Download:
- Unzip package
- Open bbLog.exe
- Select Directory where logs reside > Press Ok
- Wait for parsing to complete, should be logged in CMD window
- GUI looks awful. I know.
- Log directory will now contain HTML reports for each log. Open em up!
Example Output: