CLI tool for moving data in-n-out of Cloud Firestore.
- Import/Export CSV, Excel, or JSON files to/from Firestore.
- Encode/Decode Firestore data types such as GeoPoint, Reference, Timestamp, etc.
Watch the screencast
- Clone and run
npm install
- Download the service account from your Firebase project settings, then save it as
in the project root. npm run build
and you're off and running.
- Push your local data to the Firestore database.
- Selectively import [collections...] from source file to Firestore.
- Omitting [collections...], or specifying root "/" will import all collections.
import|i [options] <file> [collections...]
-i, --id [field] Field to use for Document IDs. (default: doc_id)
-a, --auto-id [str] Document ID token specifying auto generated Document ID. (default: Auto-ID)
-m, --merge Merge Firestore documents. Default is Replace.
-k, --chunk [size] Split upload into batches. Max 500 by Firestore constraints. (default: 500)
-p, --coll-prefix [prefix] (Sub-)Collection prefix. (default: collection)
-s, --sheet [#] Single mode XLSX Sheet # to import.
-T, --truncate Delete all documents from target collections before import.
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry run, without committing data. Implies --verbose.
-v, --verbose Output document insert paths
-h, --help output usage information
fire-migrate import --dry-run test.json myCollection
fire-migrate import --merge test.INDEX.csv myCollection
fire-migrate i -m --id docid test.xlsx myCollection
- Pull data from Firestore to a JSON, CSV or XLSX file.
- Selectively export [collections...], or entire database with root "/".
- Exports Sub-Collections by default, optionally disabled.
- Splits CSV/XLSX collections into separate files/sheets with an INDEX.
export|e [options] <file> [collections...]
-n, --no-subcolls Do not export sub-collections.
-p, --coll-prefix [prefix] Collection prefix (default: collection)
-i, --id-field [id] Field name to use for document IDs (default: doc_id)
-v, --verbose Output traversed document paths
-h, --help output usage information
fire-migrate export --verbose --no-subcolls myCollectionRootLevel.json myCollection
fire-migrate export users-posts.json users posts
fire-migrate e -v firestore-dump.xlsx