Physics stabilizer plugin for Kerbal Space Program
Source available at:
Merge the GameData folder with the existing one in your KSP directory. KSP will then load it as an add-on. The source folder simply contains the source code (in C#) for the plugin. If you didn't already know what it was, you don't need to worry about it; don't copy it over.
****** EXCITING FEATURES! ******
-- Physics Easing
- Slowly dials up external forces (gravity, centrifugal, coriolis) when on the surface of a planet, reducing the initial stress during loading
- All parts and joints are strengthened heavily during physics loading (coming off of rails) to prevent Kraken attacks on ships
-- Launch Clamp Easing
- Prevents launch clamps from shifting on load, which could destroy the vehicle on the pad
-- Stiffen interstage connections
- Parts connected to a decoupler will be connected to each other, reducing flex at the connection to reasonable levels
-- Stiffen launch clamp connections
- Less vehicle movement on vessel initialization
- Warning: may cause spontaneous rocket disintegration if rocket is too large and overconstrained (far too many lanuch clamps; their connections will fight each other and give rise to phantom forces)
-- Increase stiffness and strengths of connections
- Larger parts will have stiffer connections to balance their larger masses / sizes
- Sequential parts in a stack will be connected with a stiff, but weak connection to add even more stiffness and counteract wobble
-- Option to make connection strengths weaker to counteract increases in stiffness
-- Joint Stiffness parameters can be tweaked in included config.xml file
- config value documentation:
General Values
Type Name Default Value Action
bool reinforceAttachNodes 1 --Toggles stiffening of all vessel joints
bool multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement 1 --Toggles additional stiffening by connecting parts in a stack one part further, but at a weaker strength
bool reinforceDecouplersFurther 1 --Toggles stiffening of interstage connections
bool reinforceLaunchClampsFurther 1 --Toggles stiffening of launch clamp connections
bool useVolumeNotArea 1 --Switches to calculating connection area based on volume, not area; not technically correct, but allows a better approximation of very large rockets
bool debug 0 --Toggles debug output to log; please activate and provide log if making a bug report
float massForAdjustment 0.01 --Parts below this mass will not be stiffened
float stiffeningExtensionMassRatioThreshold 5 --Sets mass ratio needed between parts to extend Decoupler Stiffening one part further than it normally would have gone; essentially, if the code would have stopped at part A, but part B that it is connected to is >5 times as massive as part A, include part B
float decouplerAndClampJointStrength -1 --Sets breaking strength for joints involved in decoupler and clamp additional strengthening; -1 makes them unbreakable
Angular "Drive" Values (universally scales angular strength of connections)
Type Name Default Value Action
float angularDriveSpring 5e12 --Factor used to scale stiffness of angular connections
float angularDriveDamper 25 --Factor used to scale damping of motion in angular connections
float angularMaxForceFactor -1 --Factor used to scale maximum force that can be applied before connection "gives out"; does not control joint strength; -1 makes this value infinite
Joint Strength Values
Type Name Default Value Action
float breakForceMultiplier 1 --Factor scales the failure strength (for forces) of joint connections; 1 gives stock strength
float breakTorqueMultiplier 1 --Factor scales the failure strength (for torque) of joint connections; 1 gives stock strength
float breakStrengthPerArea 1500 --Overrides above values if not equal to 1; joint strength is based on the area of the part and failure strength is equal to this value times connection area
float breakTorquePerMOI 6000 --Same as above value, but for torques rather than forces and is based on the moment of inertia, not area
Part and Module Exemptions
Type Name Default Value Action
string exemptPartType0 MuMechToggle --Part stiffening not applied to this type of "Part"; exemption to avoid interference with Infernal Robotics
string exemptPartType1 MuMechServo --Part stiffening not applied to this type of "Part"; exemption to avoid interference with Infernal Robotics
string exemptModuleType0 WingManipulator --Part stiffening not applied to parts with this type of PartModule; exemption to prevent problems with pWings
string exemptModuleType1 SingleGroupMan --Part stiffening not applied to parts with this type of PartModule; exemption to prevent problems with procedural adapter included with pWings
string exemptModuleType2 KerbalEVA --Part stiffening not applied to parts with this type of PartModule; exemption to prevent problems with Kerbals in command seats
string exemptModuleType3 MuMechToggle --Part stiffening not applied to parts with this type of PartModule; exemption to prevent problems with Kerbals in command seats
string exemptModuleType4 WingProcedural --Part stiffening not applied to parts with this type of PartModule; exemption to prevent problems with Kerbals in command seats
Further part and module exemptions can be added using the same formating and changing the number
Decoupler Stiffening Extension Types
Type Name Default Value Action
string decouplerStiffeningExtensionType0 ModuleEngines --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
string decouplerStiffeningExtensionType1 ModuleEnginesFX --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
string decouplerStiffeningExtensionType2 ModuleHybridEngine --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
string decouplerStiffeningExtensionType3 ModuleHybridEngines --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
string decouplerStiffeningExtensionType4 ModuleEngineConfigs --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
These types are currently not used, but removing the a in front of them will cause KJR to make use of them again; their lack should not affect stiffening appreciably but does help reduce overhead and strange stiffening situations
string adecouplerStiffeningExtensionType5 ModuleDecouple --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
string adecouplerStiffeningExtensionType6 ModuleAnchoredDecoupler --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
string adecouplerStiffeningExtensionType7 ProceduralFairingBase --Decoupler stiffening will look for parts beyond this part type to add to stiffening
****** CHANGELOG ******
--Recompile against KSP 1.3, ensure CompatChecker compatibility with 1.3
--Fix multijoints breaking IR joints and any other exempted parts from moving
--Fix a critical bug involving unphysical forces applied to vessels on load / unload of other vessels and SOI switches
--Recompile to fix for KSP 1.2
--Update method of handling multi-part-joints to ensure compatibility with Konstruction mod
--Removal of old symmetry-based multi-part stabilization due to ineffectiveness in all situations to reduce overhead
--Implementation of new vessel-part-tree leaf-based stabilization for greater stability on space stations and other convoluted shapes
--Recompile to ensure KSP 1.1.3 compatibility
--Change multi-part-joint system to stabilize space stations and similar vehicles with very large masses connected by very flexy parts
--Recompile to ensure KSP 1.1.2 compatibility, especially within CompatibilityChecker utility
--Update to ensure KSP 1.1.1 compatibility
--Minor optimization in joint setups
--Remove B9 pWings from stiffening exemption, as it is unnecessary
--Updated to be compatible with KSP 1.1
--Very minor efficiency improvements in physics easing and stiffening of joints
--Fully exempt EVAs from all KJR effects
--Update config parameters to function with stock fixing of never-breakable joints bug
--Fixed issue with .version file and compatible KSP versions
--Updated compatibility for KSP 1.0
--Added code to slightly stiffen connections between symmetrically-connected parts attached to a central part; should reduce some physics weirdness
--Fixed issue where undocking was impossible.
--Fixed a serious lock-to-worldspace issue involving multipart joints and physicsless parts
--Set multipart joints to account for large mass ratios in choosing which parts to join
--Set Decoupler Stiffenning to require the connection of immediate decoupler children to stiffen things even further
--Fixed a decoupling issues with multipart joints
--Fixed multipart joint lock-to-worldspace issues
--Fixed some issues on loading very large, heavy parts
--Fix some issues involving multipart joints
--More null checking for situations that shouldn't happen, but might
--MultiPart joints: weak, but stiff connections along a stack that will add even more stiffness without making the connection cheatingly strong
--Proper, guaranteed application of stiffened properties, regardless of stock joint parameters
--Updated default config values for greater sanity
--Refactoring of code for sanity
--Longstanding issue with radially-attached parts that were larger than their parent are now fixed
--Many NREs from bad events or bad states now avoided
v2.4.5 Features --KSP 0.90 compatibility --Include some extra checks to prevent errors from occurring
--KSP 0.25 compatibility
--Update CompatibilityChecker
--Shutdown functionality if CompatibilityChecker returns warnings
v2.4.3 Features --KSP 0.24.2 compatibility
v2.4.2 Features --KSP 0.24.1 compatibility
--Included JsonFx.dll, which is required by ModStats
--Relabeled ModStatistics.dll to allow simple overwriting for ModStats updates
--KSP 0.24 compatibility
--Fixed some interference with infernal robotics
--Updated attach node reinforcement to use properties closer to stock joint performance, but stiffer.
--Decoupler and clamp stiffening increased in strength for use in Real Solar System
--Removed unused config values
--Updated to function with KSP ARM Patch (KSP 0.23.5)
--Removed inertia tensor fix, as it is now stock
--Main stiffening / strengthening is now disabled by default due to stock joint improvements
--Decoupler stiffening is now disabled by default due to stock joint improvements
--Vessels can no longer become permanently indestructible
--Reduced extent of decoupler stiffening joint creation; this should reduce physics overhead
--Code refactoring for additional performance gains
--Removed physics easing effect on inertia tensors; was unnecessary and added more overhead
--Workaround for the stock "Launch Clamps shift on the pad and overstress your ship" bug that is particularly noticeable with RSS
--Clamp connections are stiffer; now allowed by above workaround
--KAS struts no longer break on load
--Full release of proper inertia tensors! Massive parts will feel more massive.
--Full release of greater physics easing! Landed and pre-launch crafts will have gravitational, centrifugal and coriolis forces slowly added to them, reducing the initial physics jerk tremendously
--Launch clamps are now much stiffer when connected to more-massive-than-stock mod parts
--Tightened up default joint settings more
--Decoupler Stiffening Extension will now extend one part further if it's final part is much less massive than its parent / child part
--Added Majiir's CompatibilityChecker; this will simply warn the user if they are not using a compatible version of KSP
--Joints during physics easing strengthened
--Elaborated physics easing: joints' flexion range is initially great and decreases, and gravitational + rotating ref frame forces are cancelled out to resolve internal joint stresses ere loading the rocket
--Greatly tightened default joint settings
--Non-zero angular limits no longer wrongly reorient parts.
--Fixed part inertia tensors: heavy, large objects should now "feel" more massive, and their connections should better behave. Thanks to a.g. for finding this one.
--Slightly stiffened Launch Clamps
--Removed v1.7's improper stiffening for stretchy tanks, which the ability to stretch stretchy tanks makes unnecessary
--Non-zero angular limits no longer wrongly reorient parts.
--Connection area can be from volume instead of connection area calculated; for very, very large vehicles that the standard settings cannot handle
--Default joint parameters stiffened
--Stretchy tanks stiffened--a better solution is being developed while this one helps RSS
--Decoupling no longer further stiffens joints being deleted from non-staged decouplers during decoupling / partial crashing
--BreakStrengthPerUnitArea will not override large breakForces, easing I-beams and structural elements' use
--Fixed decoupler-dockingport combination parts from causing strange disassembly when undocking
--Updated to KSP 0.23
--Joint breaking strength can be set to increase with connection area so that large part connections can have realistically large strength; on by default
--Vessels are further strengthened for the first 30 physics frames after coming off rails or loading, reducing initialization jitters.
--Launch clamps after staging remain clamped to the ground.
--Kraken no longer throws launchpads at orbiting craft
--Wobble reduced
--General tweaks to reduce wobbling further
--Maximum joint forces correctly calculated
--Docking no longer causes exceptions to be thrown and cause lag
--Increased calculation of surface-attached connection area's accuracy
--Wobble between stack-attached parts of very different sizes greatly reduced
--Better solution for failure to apply decoupler ejection forces
--Will not stiffen parts below a given mass, which can be changed in config
--Properly updates on docking
--Launch clamps no longer to the surface lock ships
--Workaround for stock KSP bug where struts would prevent decoupler ejection forces from being applied
--Reduced default maxForceFactors to be more reasonable levels
--Struts properly disconnect
--Decouplers properly function
--Stiffness of joint no longer erroneously dependent on breakForce / breakTorque
--Decoupler stiffening function made more comprehensive
--Further decoupler stiffening affects radial decouplers
--Decoupler further stiffening no longer causes Nulls to be thrown when attached to physics-disabled parts
--Procedural fairings no longer locked to rockets
--Infernal Robotics parts function
--Temporary stopgap measure: stiffening not applied to pWings to prevent ultra-flexy wings
Known Issues
--Decouplers exert no detach force with extra decoupler stiffening enabled
Same issues as strut attachment bug