Releases: feugy/melodie
J'avais presque peur, en vérité
Finally, v2!
I've been using it for a long while, and have not received negative feedback from the beta.
Here it is!
2.0.0 (2022-03-30)
- ui: improves usage on mobile and updates dependencies (#30) (54d802e)
- core, ui: final tweaks for v2 (#25) (2c95e19)
- core, ui: web broadcast (#19) (2c95e19)
- ui: includes album artists in artist list, display in tracks tables (#31) (bbeb62f)
- core,ui: secures broadcast with TOTP (#37) (4a31f92)
- core,ui: uses jwt to secure accesses (#40) (52eca69)
- ui: improve play on mobile (#24) (85b1cd0)
- core: adds more audio formats (#48) (4a0643e)
Bug Fixes
J’allais par des chemins perfides
It's been a long time since Christmas. And these bugs have been very annoying.
2.0.0-beta.3 (2022-03-14)
Bug Fixes
La lune blanche luit dans les bois
Merry Christmas!
This is an important release for Mélodie.
After being presented at NodeConf Remote 2021, it became important to add some security so that only you can access your music when enabling broadcast.
2.0.0-beta.2 (2021-12-27)
- ui: includes album artists in artist list, display in tracks tables (#31) (bbeb62f)
- secures broadcast with TOTP (#37) (4a31f92)
- uses jwt to secure accesses (#40) (52eca69)
Bug Fixes
Puisque l’aube grandit
Une Sainte en son Auréole
Two for one!
I hope this is the last alpha version for Mélodie v2, which will let you go remote: hit the broadcast button, flash the QR code, and listen to your songs on your mobile!
2.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-03-20)
2.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-02-21)
Chevaux de bois
L'ombre des arbres
Two major improvements: the ability to open music files with Mélodie, and detection of moved/renamed files, so you can keep them in playlists.
1.0.0-beta.2 (2020-10-21)
- core: allow to open (and track) files & folders (5d9dc58)
- core: creates playlists from m3u/m3u8 files (1866ae1)
- core: detect file renamals (d236b6a)
- core: enforce single instance (7ea2966)
- core: open files on Mac (it does not use argv) (424cb88)
- ui: export playlists as m3u(8) files (85785de)
Bug Fixes
Il pleure dans mon cœur
Hopefully fixed the final issues with packaging with Github actions
1.0.0-beta.1 (2020-10-05)
Bug Fixes
- core: autoUpdater is crashing the app (b2ed6e9)
C'est l'extase
New Logo! and artist biographies!
1.0.0-beta.0 (2020-10-04)
- ui: new logo (0c992a0)
- ui: fetch and display artist bio (fc6e524)
- ui: add to playlist from Album details/Playlist details/Search results pages (4bc5065)
- ui: auto-scroll track queue to current track (c9936e8)
- ui: configurable simple/double click behaviour (play or enqueue) (0cb6bc0)
- ui: display album years in artist and album details (0d94f39)
- ui: display albums' year (cadcf70)
- ui: feedback when adding to playlist (c32d68a)
- ui: more efficient sortable list component with drag'n drop events (f98684d)
Bug Fixes
- ui: click on Play button without any track still changes icon (03c21ca)
L'île Inconnue
Significantly improves user experience during very first loading.
1.0.0-alpha.6 (2020-09-29)
Bug Fixes
- ui: tutorial, when skipped at first step, resumes on navigation (7751858)