The User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) is an open source (EPL + BSD) desktop application framework, built with the Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology.
- uDig can be used as a stand-alone application
- uDig can be extended with RCP “plug-ins”
- uDig can be used as a plug-in in an existing RCP application
uDig is an open project, with developers from multiple companies participating in the decision making process and project direction, or open discussions using chat tools such as Gitter or mailing lists:
- uDig User (How to use uDig as RCP Application)
- uDig Developer (How to develop uDig and build Applications with SDK)
- uDig Project –
- uDig Website –
- Developers Guide –
The goal of uDig is to provide a complete Java solution for desktop GIS data access, editing, and viewing. uDig aims to be:
- User friendly, providing a familiar graphical environment for GIS users;
- Desktop located, running as a thick client, natively on Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux;
- Internet oriented, consuming standard (WMS, WFS, WCS) and de facto (GeoRSS, KML, tiles) geospatial web services; and,
- GIS ready, providing the framework on which complex analytical capabilities can be built, and gradually subsuming those capabilities into the main application.
- Frank Gasdorf @fgdrf
- Jesse Eichar @jesseeichar
- Jody Garnett @jodygarnett
- Mauricio Pazos @mpazos
Join us in working on uDig: Contributing
There are two ways to take part: indirectly using github pull requests; and directly by obtaining commit access. Remember that a pull request is the start of a conversation!
1. Check out Repository
Check out the branch you wish to work with (or fork as you see fit). To check it out:
git clone udig
cd udig
2. Download stuff (using maven to launch small ant download scripts):
mvn clean install -f pom-libs.xml
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[INFO] Total time: 8:05.291s
1. Tycho Build
For requirements to build docs with profile `docs` (Sphinx reStructuredText) consult detailed doc description :
mvn clean install -Pproduct -Psdk -Pdocs
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[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12:44.827s
2. Test an individual module
This requires successful previous step with install goal
cd plugins/org.locationtech.udig.catalog.ui.tests
mvn clean install -Ptest -fae