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Anki Autolookup

This is a final project from a programming course. It may not be maintained, but feel free to contact us if you want to contribute or maintain this project.

Table of Contents


This program is only tested on Ubuntu 19.04 and Ubuntu 19.10. To use it you need to clone the project first:

git clone

You will also need an additional module Tesseract, please follow the installation there. For Ubuntu users, all you need to do is:

sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt install libtesseract-dev


pip install pytesseract 

You will also need two Anki plugins: Allows empty first field (during adding and import) and AnkiConnect. Add them by clicking Tools - Add-ons in Anki, then use 46741504 and 2055492159 to add the plugins.




to start the program. Anki must be running in the background so the API can work. Select the deck you want to add cards to, then choose a method to add words. Currently, three features are available:

  • Word lookup: Simply type the words you want to lookup. The program will record the word whenever you press <Return>. The words will be shown in the wordlist on the right. You can uncheck the checkbuttons beside a word you don't want to add to your deck. After the lookup finishes, (the queue is empty), each word (if it is checked and the lookup succeed), the program will generate a card to the deck.

  • Article lookup: Paste an article to the textbox, then click Lookup!. The program will find the difficult words in the article and list them in the wordlist. The wordlist works the same way as the previous feature. For the definition of difficult words, see the explanation of

  • Image lookup: Choose a image (must not be tilted or twisted or it will not be accurate. Some examples are provided in ./main/imgexample/.) Click on the words you want to lookup. The wordlist works the same way as the first feature.

Note that when you close the window of a feature, the main menu will show up after the queue is cleared.


Youtube video

File Description

+-- This documentation.
+-- bash script to launch the program.
+-- main: Main scripts of the program.
|   +-- Functions to generate new cards and add to Anki.
|   +-- Lookup difficult words in an article.
|   +-- A cralwer to lookup words in Cambridge online dictionary.
|   +-- dic.xlsx: A spreadsheet with data about word usage in a variety of sources.
|   +-- The script for word lookup from images.
|   +-- Main menu GUI.
|   +-- The script defining the wordlist window.
|   +-- GUI for adding inserted words to Anki.
+-- presentation: Slides used (Tex and pdf files) for presentation in class.
|   +-- proposal.*: Slides for the proposal.
+-- trash: scripts that are no longer in use.


  • 張家翔 (hsiang20): API adaptor (, single word lookup feature GUI design (, main menu GUI design (

  • 徐鼎翔 (AlbertHsuNTUphys): Image recognition feature (imgrecog), article lookup GUI design (

  • 王昊謙 (fhcwcsy): Wordlist window GUI design (wordlist_cls), crawler (, speed enhancement in image recognition, article lookup feature (my hw2), final modification in all files.


Vocabulary lookup and wordcard adding automation






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Contributors 3
