Demo resources for the Configuration as Code of Jenkins (for Kubernetes) talk on the 21st of April, for the Jenkins Online Meetup group
The slides from the presentation is available in handout format, in configuration-as-code-jenkins-k8s.pdf
in this repository.
You can find the recording on YouTube:
- Generate an ssh-keypair called
. - Use the public key on your GitHub service account / bot user. See "Machine Users" on Managing Deploy Keys for more information.
- Put the private key in the
-folder and use it when runnin the advanced jcasc examples or creating Jenkins with Helm.
How to run a basic Jenkins in Docker, for doing the JobDSL demo
Files for running our JCasC in Docker
JobDSL demo files
Files for running our Jenkins in K8s
Common configuration-files used by the examples
JobDSL, Seed Job repository:
Example Project repository: