This MTW version supports Apache Jena 5+ which enables using special queries for better relevancy when searching in MTW.
When upgrading to this version and Jena to version 5:
update Java if necessary
create new FUSEKI_DATA_DIR - ie: /data/jena5
use copy of mesh_Jena5.ttl as new mesh.ttl config
update all the ENV variables
update your mtw-dist.ini config
set/enable this value in the mtw-dist.ini config:
Also, now is the time to update MeSH data to the 2025 version - see the wiki on this topic.
You can still use this MTW version with Jena 4 but you MUST:
- use the respective mesh.ttl configuration - copy of mesh_Jena4.ttl
- comment out USE_PROP_LISTS or set the value to False