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privy-validator is validator request, building for express. it can work in middleware or your function like a controllers.
This was inspired by the laravel validator, but the laravel validator is much better, only slightly similar.

Contents List


npm install privy-validator

Common JS

const Validator = require("privy-validator").default;

ES modules

import Validator from 'privy-validator';


Here is a list of schemas that are currently available.

now is support schema string or object


schema required is a schema that indicates the value must exist not contain undefined | "". types required consist of boolean | undefined when this undefined then it is not required. Here's the usage required :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { required: true } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, {foo: 'required'})

then when got an error message

{ foo: [ 'The foo is required' ] }


a type schema is a schema that specifies what type of data a value should be, for now schema types consist of

type: 'string' | 'number' | 'object' | 'array' | 'email' | 'date' | ...
Tag Description
alpha Alpha Only
alphaNumeric Alphanumeric
alphaUnicodeNumeric Alphanumeric Unicode
alphaUnicode Alpha Unicode
ascii ASCII
and more..

because types should be consistent, therefore types must be defined, cannot be undefined. Here's the usage type :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string' } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:string' });

then when got an error message

{ foo: [ 'The foo must be string' ] }


schema min is a schema that indicates the length of the value must be more than or equal to minimum, this schema consist of number | undefined. Here's the usage min :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string', min: 8 } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:string|min:8' });

because min calculates from its length, then can work well when type string | array. then when got an error message and the next error message will be similar.

{ foo: [ 'The foo must be minimum 8 characters' ] }


schema max is a schema that indicates the length of the value must be less than or equal to maximum, this schema similar to schema min. Here's the usage max :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string', max: 60 } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:string|max:60' });


schema digits is a schema that indicates the length of the number must be equal, this schema consist of number | undefined. Here's the usage digits :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'number', digits: 10 } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:number|digits:10' });


schema before is a schema to ensure that the value must be less than before, so it is suitable for use on date types, this schema consist of string | undefined. Here's the usage before :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'date', before: '2021-01-19' } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:date|before:2021-01-19' });

then the valid value for the case is less than 2021-01-19, note make sure the date format should be yyyy-MM-dd.


schema after is a schema to ensure that the value must be more than after, this schema inverse of schema before, Here's the usage after :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'date', after: '2021-01-19' } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:date|after:2021-01-19' });

then the valid value for the case is more than 2021-01-19.


schema included is schema to ensures the value must be inside the inclusion. this schema consist of any[] | undefined. Here's the usage included :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'number', in: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:number|in:[1,2,3,4,5]' });

when the value is not in the inclusion is considered invalid.

Not included

schema not included is schema to ensures the value must be not inside the inclusion. this schema inverse of schema included. Here's the usage not included :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string', notIn: ['Cat', 'Dog'] } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:string|notIn:["Cat", "Dog"]' });

when the value is on inclusion is considered invalid.


schema between is a schema that ensures the value must be in between. this schema consist of number[] | undefined which when defined must contain 2 number min and max values, Here's the usage between :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'number', between: [1, 10] } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:number|between:[1,10]' });

then a valid value is between 1 - 10.

Date between

schema date between is a schema that ensures the value must be in between with date type. this schema consist of string[] | undefined which when defined must contain 2 date min and date max values with a format yyyy-MM-dd. Here's the usage date between :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'date', dateBetween: ['2019-01-19', '2019-01-30'] } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:date|dateBetween:["2019-01-19", "2019-01-30"]' });

then the valid date is between 2019-01-19 to 2019-01-30.

Digits between

schema digits between is a schema that ensures the value length of a number must be in between. this schema consist of number[] | undefined which when defined must contain 2 number min and max values. Here's the usage digits between :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'number', digitsBetween: [8, 12] } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:number|digitsBetween:[8,12]'});

then the number length of a value must be between 8 to 12 digits.


schema regex is a schema that ensures the value must match with regex, this schema consist of any | undefined. Here's the usage regex :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string', regex: /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:string|regex:/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/' });

this schema can be used to validate phone numbers, passwords, etc. note regex can run properly when without quotes.


schema confirmed is a schema that ensures the value must match with target field. this schema consist of boolean | undefined. Here's the usage confirmed :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string', confirmed: true } });

// or

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: 'type:string|confirmed' });

then the field with the name foo_confirmation must match with field foo.


schema custom is a schema that you have specified. where this scheme will return Promise<void> | undefined. Here's the usage custom :

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string', custom: async (value) => {
    // here you can specify the code

a catch-block container is provided, so you can throw an error when the value is invalid. If you're still confused, I'll give another example.

Validator.make(request.body, { foo: { type: 'string', custom: async (value) => {
    const find = await Foo.findOne({ where: { bar: value }});
    if (!find) throw new Error('your error message');

i hope you can use these schema custom to replace schema that are not yet or not available.

Customize message

If the given error message is not suitable, you can customize the message according to your needs. Here's is an example :

Validator.make(request.body, { /** validation schema */ }, {
    foo: {
        required: "The :attribute must be required",

:attribute will be replaced with the field name.

Validator.make(request.body, { /** validation schema */ }, {
    foo: {
        type: "The :attribute must be valid :type",

:type will be replaced with the type target.

Validator.make(request.body, { /** validation schema */ }, {
    foo: {
        min: "The :attribute must be minimum :min characters",

:min will be replaced with the minimum target.

Validator.make(request.body, { /** validation schema */ }, {
    foo: {
        max: "The :attribute must be maximum :max characters",

:max will be replaced with the maximum target.

Validator.make(request.body, { /** validation schema */ }, {
    foo: {
        between: "The :attribute must be between :min - :max",

for between are usually available :min and :max. including date between and digits between.

and the following for descriptions of all available :

:attribute will be replaced with the field name.

:type will be replaced with the type target.

:min will be replaced with the minimum target.

:max will be replaced with the maximum target.

:digit will be replaced with the digits target.

:before will be replaced with the before target.

:after will be replaced with the after target.

:value will be replaced with the target value, like a array/object will usually use this.

Example usage

its use you can use it as middleware or on function such as controller. Here is an example of its use below.


  • Asynchronous
async function foo_middleware(request, response, next) {
    const validator = await Validator.make(request.body, {
        foo: 'required|type:string',
        bar: 'required|type:string|min:8|max:60'

    if (!validator.validate()) {
        return response.status(400).json({ errors: validator.errors() });
}'/foo', foo_middleware, /** your next function/ controllers */);

  • Synchronous
function bar_middleware(request, response, next) {
    Validator.make(request.body, {
        foo: 'required|type:string',
        bar: 'required|type:string|min:8|max:60'
    }).then((result) => {
        if(!result.validate()) {
            return response.status(400).json({ errors: result.errors() });
}'/bar', bar_middleware, /** your next function/ controllers */);


this time I would like to give a real example such as a register new user.'/register', async (request, response) => {
    const validator = await Validator.make(request.body, {
        username: { required: true, type: 'string' },
        email: { required: true, type: 'email', custom: async (email) => {
            // make unique validation with schema custom
            const user = await User.findOne({ where: { email }});
            if(user) throw new Error('email already exists');
        password: {
            required: true, type: 'string', min:8, max: 60,
            regex: /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!@#$%^&.*]).{8,}$/
    }, { // customize message 
        password: {
            regex: "The :attribute must contain at least one uppercase, number, and special character." 

    // checking validation status
    if (!validator.validate()) {
        return response.status(400).json({ errors: validator.errors() });

    // create a new user here...

then example when got error message

  username: [ 'The username is required' ],
  email: [ 'The email must be valid email' ],
  password: [
    'The password must be minimum 8 characters',
    'The password must contain at least one uppercase, number, and special character.'