This repo contains the code for the Fishbrain Engineering Blog.
> yarn
> yarn dev
You'll now have a local instance of the blog running at localhost:8000;
Everytime a commit is made to the main
branch, the app is built using Github Actions and deployed to an
S3 bucket.
To add a new post just clone a folder in the /posts
folder. Rename it and update the frontmatter (the metadata at the
top of the file).
If it's your first post also update /_data/authors.json
with your info.
Posts are written in markdown. To add images to a post, copy the image to the post directory and just refer to the image in your post like so (the same applied for post cover images and author avatars):
![This is the alt text](my-image-file-name.png)
When adding code snippets to your post, it's possible to enable language specific highlighting by appending the language name like so at the top of the code block:
puts "Hello world"
A full list of supported languages can be found here.
You can tag your post by adding a tags field to your post frontmatter:
postTitle: Structuring an Elixir+Phoenix App
date: "2020-07-17T22:12:03.284Z"
author: Brian Underwood
- Elixir
- Phoenix
NOTE: Don't use
- this value should always bepost
You can use HTML for embedding iframes (e.g. Youtube videos, etc.):
<!-- with a caption -->
<iframe src="" height="480" width="670" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<figcaption>Here's my video</figcaption>
<!-- without a caption -->
<iframe src="" height="480" width="670" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Twitter doesn't use iframes by default, but you can utilise to embed tweets as iframes in the way described above.
This project's intent is to migrate our Engineering blog from Medium to our own self-run blog. Currently we're missing the following capabilities:
- can't bold text in code snippets (see
- Inline images (see
- Comments. We can probably add disqus pretty easily.
- URL embeds like seen for "Noisli" in this article
- Cant have urls in image caption/alt E.g.
- the wikipedia part should be linkable.
- Cant embed Gists (see