For an example look at: EXAMPLE
Use UMD module (dist/ReactObjectForm.js) from npm package or build by yourself. If you have some module-loading infrastructure, you can import the module directly (lib/ReactObjectForm.js
) this expects react-select to be available for import.
npm install react-object-form
-> dist/ReactObjectForm.js is a UMD module which needs React and react-select
as dependencies.
The rendered markup uses Bootstrap css classes, so include some bootstrap.css to get default styling. The select-component uses react-select and also needs css styles from there. Import the defaults, or style yourself.
<ReactObjectForm object={{name: "Foo", age: 12, }}
config={[{name: "name", label: "NAME"}]}
changeHandler={changedObject => console.log(changedObject)} />
- git clone ...
- npm start -> starts ui-harness with live reloading on localhost:3030
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npm install -g commitizen
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