A project to explore the use of processes by implementing a simple user shell. This shell currently only supports Linux.
A makefile has been included to simplify compilation. Simply type the following prompt:
prompt> make
The shell supports two operating modes: interactive mode and batch mode. Interactive mode continually asks the user for a new prompt, which must be entered through stdin. Batch mode allows the user to specify a script containing multiple commands.
To run the executable in Interactive mode:
prompt> ./wish
To run the executable in Batch mode:
prompt> ./wish "filepath"
Note, when in Interactive mode, the shell may be exited by typing:
prompt> exit
The shell currently only supports one command per prompt/script line. For now, only standard Linux commands are supported. The command should be specified as follows:
<command> <arg_1> <arg_2>, ..., <arg_n>
A concrete example:
ls -l /usr/bin/