Follow the instructions at the Kotlin installation guide.
$ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.6" 2020-01-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.6+10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.6+10, mixed mode)
$ kotlin -version
Kotlin version 1.3.72-release-468 (JRE 11.0.6+10)
$ kotlinc -version
info: kotlinc-jvm 1.3.72 (JRE 11.0.6+10)
Follow the instructions at the ANTLR website.
By now you should have the antlr4
alias configured as described.
$ antlr4
ANTLR Parser Generator Version 4.8
After setting up our environment we need to write a grammar for our parser.
/** ./Expr.g4 */
/** Grammars always start with a grammar header (which must have the same name of the file). */
grammar Expr;
/** A rule called `prog` which will be our entry point
* This rule means that a program is a sequence of one or more `stat`s
prog: stat+ ;
/** A `stat` rule may be each of the four alternatives (represented by `|`)
* The `#` in front of each alternative is a label, we need it so ANTLR generates a visitor function for each alternative (else it would generate one for the whole rule)
stat: ID '=' expr NEWLINE # assign
| expr NEWLINE # printExpr
| NEWLINE # blank
/** The `expr` rule to recognize arithmetic expressions */
expr: expr op=('*'|'/') expr # MulDiv
| expr op=('+'|'-') expr # AddSub
| INT # int
| ID # id
| '(' expr ')' # parens
/** We also need to define some token names for the operator literals.
* That way we can reference token names as Java/Kotlin constants in the visitor.
* The same applies for the `op=` in the `expr` rule
MUL : '*' ; // assigns token name to '*' used above in grammar
DIV : '/' ;
ADD : '+' ;
SUB : '-' ;
CLEAR: 'clear' ; // match clear keyword
ID : [a-zA-Z]+ ; // match identifiers
INT : [0-9]+ ; // match integers
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ; // return newlines to parser (is end-statement signal)
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip ; // toss out whitespace
By using ANTLR we have basically three easy ways of interacting with the parsing tree generated by the parser:
- ANTLR generates a Listener interface
- Can create listener functions for each grammar rule
- There's no need explicitly walk down the tree (ANTLR does it automatically)
- ANTLR generates an interface for the well-known Visitor pattern
- Can create visitor functions for each grammar rule or alternative
- You have to explicitly walk down the tree by calling
on the children nodes
Actions and Semantic Predicates
- Can embed arbitrary code within expression grammar.
- Can compute values or print things on-the-fly during the parsing (no need of a parsing tree).
- Influence on how the parser recognizes input phrases.
- Based on runtime information decide which rule to apply.
You can find more information about each of these in the ANTLR documentation. Here I'll keep with the visitor pattern.
// ./eval-visitor.kt
/** ExprBaseVisitor is the base class generated by ANTLR */
class EvalVisitor() : ExprBaseVisitor<Int>() {
var memory: HashMap<String, Int> = HashMap<String, Int>()
/** These are the functions generated by each label as we defined in our grammar.
* Whe only need to override the functions we are interested in.
override fun visitAssign(ctx: ExprParser.AssignContext ): Int {
val id = ctx.ID().getText()
val value = visit(ctx.expr())
memory.put(id, value)
return value
/** expr NEWLINE */
override fun visitPrintExpr(ctx: ExprParser.PrintExprContext): Int {
val value = visit(ctx.expr())
return 0
/** INT */
override fun visitInt(ctx: ExprParser.IntContext): Int {
return ctx.INT().getText().toInt()
/** ID */
override fun visitId(ctx: ExprParser.IdContext): Int {
val id = ctx.ID().getText()
val value = memory.get(id)
return if ( value != null ) { value } else { 0 }
/** expr op=('*'|'/') expr */
override fun visitMulDiv(ctx: ExprParser.MulDivContext): Int {
val left = visit(ctx.expr(0))
val right = visit(ctx.expr(1))
if ( ctx.op.getType() == ExprParser.MUL ) {
return left * right
return left / right
/** expr op=('+'|'-') expr */
override fun visitAddSub(ctx: ExprParser.AddSubContext): Int {
val left = visit(ctx.expr(0))
val right = visit(ctx.expr(1))
if ( ctx.op.getType() == ExprParser.ADD ) {
return left + right
return left - right
/** '(' expr ')' */
override fun visitParens(ctx: ExprParser.ParensContext): Int {
return visit(ctx.expr())
/** 'clear' */
override fun visitClear(ctx: ExprParser.ClearContext): Int {
return 0
ANTLR comes with a testing tool in the runtime library called TestRig. If you've followed the installation guide you have a grun
alias to run and play with.
However, we'll write a simple kotlin application to invoke our parser and call our newly created visitor to execute the arithmetic expressions.
The code is pretty straightforward so I didn't put any comments. Basically we're just creating an InputStream
from a file, if given, or using stdin
. Then, this stream will be used to feed our lexer and, consequently, be consumed by our parser.
// ./calc.kt
package calc
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree
import ExprLexer
import ExprParser
import EvalVisitor
fun main(args: Array<String>){
val inputStream = if (args.size > 0) { FileInputStream(args[0]) } else { System.`in` }
val input = CharStreams.fromStream(inputStream)
val lexer = ExprLexer(input)
val tokens = CommonTokenStream(lexer)
val parser = ExprParser(tokens)
val tree = parser.prog() //`prog` is the entry point we defined in our grammar
val eval = EvalVisitor()
Once we have everything set up, it's quite easy to compile and run our programs. Here's a sequence of commands to achieve it.
- Generate the Lexer, Parser, and the Visitor interface with ANTLR4:
$ antlr4 -no-listener -visitor Expr.g4
- Compile the generated java files:
$ javac Expr*.java
- Compile our visitor and main program with
$ kotlinc calc.kt eval-visitor.kt -cp $CLASSPATH
- For the sake of testing I wrote a small input file (
) so we can pass to our program.
a = 5
b = 6
- Run the main program with
$ kotlin -cp $CLASSPATH calc.CalcKt test.expr
The first line is just a print expression. The second one is an evaluation of the expression a+b*2
with the previously defined identifiers. And the last is trying to evaluate a+b
after cleaning the memory, which obviously is wrong as the identifiers are no more defined. For simplicity's sake we just evaluated it to a default value 0
(this behavior can be changed in our visitor).
So that's it! Now we have a working (and simple) Arithmetic Expressions Evaluator.
Most of the information presented here is from The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference with some adaptions for the Kotlin language. It's a really good book and you're more than encouraged to read it.
There are plenty of information in the Official Documentation as well, so fell free to use both.