Dialite is a lightweight Python package to show dialogs. It provides a
handful of functions, each a verb, that can be used to inform()
, warn()
or fail()
the user, or to ask_ok()
, ask_retry()
or ask_yesno()
Dialite is pure Python, has no dependencies, and is written to work on Python 3.6+. It works on Windows (from at least XP), Linux (most ones anyway, including Raspbian) and OS X.
Dialite provides a way to communicate with the user without needing a fancy (and heavy) GUI library. It's also much easier to package with tools like cx_Freeze and PyInstaller.
import dialite
res = dialite.ask_yesno('Troll question', 'Do you prefer VI over Emacs?')
if dialite.ask_ok('Confirm download', 'Will now download the resources.'):
pip install dialite
BSD 2-clause. See LICENSE for details.