MooMooT aims at being an attempt at being a software modular synthesizer, similar to SuperCollider, or PureData, but written in Rust.
MooMooT handles the realtime audio generation, and will provide the foundation for an interactive / livecoding music generation, probably via a OSC and a higher level language (due to Rust lacking a REPL system)
MooMooT uses JACK for sound output, so you obviously first need to run jack.
- sounds is generated by a tree of "Mixers",
- the leaves of the Tree are populated by unit "Synths" object ( think basic waveform generators )
- each Mixer node sums all the attached synths and sub-mixers and has a stack of effects associated.
- you can add nodes in realtime via the API
- each Synth or Effect has parameters that could be changed in realtime via a parameter bus ( think modifying the phase, or cut-off frequency of filter)
- Macros (to create instruments including subtree)
- Stereophonics !
- include a OSC server binary
3-Clauses BSD