This is a website that displays the most recent 100 repos from my GitHub Profile.
I created a GitHub Repo Gallery as a part of my JavaScript milestone project. This project uses the GitHub API to pull data from my account to populate name, bio, location, and the number of public repos.
Users should be able to:
- Use dynamic search functionality to search for my repo names.
- Click on repo to see more information and get a link to the repo on GitHub.
- Go back to repo gallery to continue learning more about my repos.
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
Used Function Expression for coding my JavaScript. This allowed me to break down the project into smaller parts and allows for better readbility and organization. I used the functions to execute a particular event and to render data from the API.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- Flexbox
- CSS3
- Mobile-first workflow
- Responsive Design
- JavaScript
I've had a long journey through Front-End Development Bootcamp and still more to come. I would like to thank my instructors and the Skillcrush community giving me the knowledge and tools to develop my skills. This journey will continue as I will reinforce my learning with projects and intergrate new languages(React & Ruby).