Team Members: Fayez Loan
You can view the demo video here
- Download Google Chrome. Currently that is the only compatible browser.
- Install Yarn
- Ensure you have the latest node version, this link might be useful
- Navigate to the client directory from your terminal and run the command
yarn install
- Navigate to clients/src/Components and edit the URL in handleDataFunction.js and HandleRequestFunction.js, change the host to whatever host you are running the server on, by default it is
- Install Python
- Install Flask
- Install Flask_Cors
pip3 install -U flask-cors
- From the terminal, in the client folder type
yarn start
to start up the React environment. This is hosted onlocalhost:3000
- From the terminal, in the server folder first create the stop_word_data.pickle file by running
. Then runpython3
to start up the Flask server. This is hosted onlocalhost:5000
by default.
- ReactJs (a JavaScript libarary) for the front-end
- Flask (a Python library) for the back-end
- React-Speech-Recognition API for speech to text
- Chart.js (JavaScript library) for visualization