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Repository files navigation


Made with Laravel 4.2

Set up

  • Clone the repository into a directory on your local machine (development) or server (production)
  • Follow the configuration steps below
  • vimrcfu uses Memcache for caching. If you don't want to install Memcache, set driver to file in app/config/cache.php.
  • Run composer install
  • Run php artisan migrate
  • Don't forget to smile once in a while!


For development

  • Create a GitHub application, for example "vimrcfu dev", with your local Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL (e.g. http://vimrcfu.loc and http://vimrcfu.loc/#) and note the Client ID and Client Secret GitHub generates for your.
  • Create the file .env.local.php in the directory where you cloned the repository with the following content:
return [
  'DB_HOST'       => 'localhost', # Fill in your database host
  'DB_NAME'       => 'vimrcfu',   # Fill in your database name
  'DB_USER'       => 'root',      # Fill in your database username
  'DB_PASSWORD'   => '',          # Fill in your database password
  'APP_KEY'       => '',          # Choose a very random string with at least 32 characters
  'GITHUB_CLIENT' => '',          # Fill in your GitHub Client ID
  'GITHUB_SECRET' => '',          # Fill in your GitHub Client Secret
  'PIWIK_URL'     => '',          # Fill in URL if you want Piwik tracking
  'PIWIK_ID'      => '',          # Piwik site id

For production

  • In your webserver set an environment variable called APP_ENV and give it a value of production.

    • For Apache put the following in your vhost configuration: SetEnv APP_ENV production
    • For nginx if you use php-fpm put the following in your location block: fastcgi_param APP_ENV production;
  • Create the file .env.php in the directory where you cloned the repository with the same contents as above, but fill in your production database settings, Client ID and Client Secret (create a new application on GitHub with the actual Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL for your production domain).


vimrcfu is currently maintained by Florian Beer. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

The best way to ask questions is via GitHub issues or via Twitter @azath0th.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Creative Commons License
vimrcfu by Florian Beer | 42dev is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Please see LICENSE for more details.