This is an experimental Bundle whitch supports the Log4Php in your Symfony2-Project.
It also includes a log-reader
Register bundle in AppKernel.php
# app/AppKernel.php $bundles = array( // ... new FS\Log4PhpBundle\FSLog4PhpBundle(), // ... );
Add Bundle to autoload
# app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( // ... 'FS' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', // ... ));
Download and unpack Log4Php to vendor
Go to
and execute:$ git clone
Add Log4Php to autoload
# app/autoload.php AnnotationRegistry::registerFile(__DIR__.'/../vendor/log4php/src/main/php/Logger.php');
Use Log4Php without Symfony2 see Log4php Quickstart
view_all_logs: false
log_files: [ %kernel.root_dir%/logs/info.log, %kernel.root_dir%/logs/debug.log ]
class: LoggerAppenderFile
class: LoggerLayoutPattern
file: %kernel.root_dir%/logs/default.log
level: DEBUG
appenders: [ default ]
Sample config for a simple file-logger. Config for other logger-types see the wiki.
The Bundle has it's own part in the profiler. This section is named "All Logs".
In the YAML-configuration you can configure which log-files should be read. There are two options:
- view_all_logs: [true|false] the datacollector reads all log-file in the default log-directory.
- log_files: array if view_all_logs is true, this array will be overwritten, otherwise this array contains
the log-file which should be read.
You can register your own services as an appender.
<service id="myapp" class="Acme\DemoBundle\MyService">
<tag name="logger.appender" id="costum.appender" />
The service you want to register, needs the tag logger.appender
and the option id
. The option id
represent the name of your appender. If you want to register the appender for a concrete logger (excepting root-logger), you can add the option logger
<service id="myapp" class="Acme\DemoBundle\MyService">
<tag name="logger.appender" id="costum.appender" logger="my.logger" />
Your Service has to extends the \LoggerAppender class from Log4Php.
If the logger is not found, the root logger will be used. How to setup your own logger, take a look at the cookbook or the documentation of Log4Php.