A simpel pvp online pirate game made using unity and .NET. This is the full game including the client software. The server software will soon be available from another repository.
For the client to server and server to client traffic I create a secure connection with TCP using RSA for setup, followed by a shared AES key to finish a 100% secure connection. Each client can now login using its credentials, which is saved on the servers DB using SHA-512 for the password hash.
After creating a secure connection with the server, LCP will open a port on your local router using the UPnP protocol. I had to create a seperate app using .NET 4.5 to enable this, as for the MonoSharp uses .NET 2.0 and the UPnP .NET lib uses .NET 4+.
When a game starts the server will send information about the other clients, containing clients endpoint with a session key for P2P validation. Now your client can finally connect to the other clients using UDP.
I made easy to use but high speed package system. Every package can be parsed from bytes or be parsed to bytes. A referenced index variable is passed to the package, the package will increase this index by the bytes it has read. This system makes is possible to append multiple packages in every data package being sent.
public class Vector3Data : PackageData
#region Vars
public Vector3 Vector;
#region Construct
public Vector3Data()
Vector = Vector3.zero;
public Vector3Data(Vector3 vector)
Vector = vector;
public Vector3Data(byte[] data, ref int offset)
FromBytes(data, ref offset);
#region Methods
public byte[] ToBytes()
List<byte> total = new List<byte>();
return total.ToArray();
public void FromBytes(byte[] data, ref int offset)
Vector = Vector3.zero;
Vector.x = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, offset);
offset += 4;
Vector.y = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, offset);
offset += 4;
Vector.z = BitConverter.ToSingle(data, offset);
offset += 4;