Provides Git support for LambdaCD.
Will replace the lambdacd.steps.git
namespace in the the lambdacd-git library.
;; project.clj
:dependencies [[lambdacd-git "<most recent version>"]]
;; import:
(:require [lambdacd-git.core :as lambdacd-git])
You'll find a complete example here: example/simple_pipeline.clj
(defn wait-for-commit-on-master [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/wait-for-git ctx ""
; how long to wait when polling. optional, defaults to 10000
:ms-between-polls 1000
; which refs to react to. optional, defaults to refs/heads/master
:ref "refs/heads/master"))
; you can also pass in a regex:
(defn wait-for-commit-on-feature-branch [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/wait-for-git ctx ""
:ref #"refs/heads/feature-.*"))
; you can also pass in a function
(defn wait-for-commit-on-any-tag [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/wait-for-git ctx ""
:ref (fn [ref] (.startsWith ref "refs/tags/"))))
can be notified about changes in a repository through an HTTP endpoint. To use this, you need to add it
to your existing ring-handlers:
(ring-server/serve (routes
(ui/ui-for pipeline)
(core/notifications-for pipeline)) ; <-- THIS
{:open-browser? false
:port 8082})
This adds an HTTP endpoint that can receive POST requests on <host>/notify-git?remote=<remote>
e.g. http://localhost:8082/notify-git?
Notice that this doesn't necessarily trigger a new build. Similar to how Jenkins works, a notification just forces a check for changes.
(defn clone [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/clone ctx repo branch-or-tag-or-commit-hash (:cwd args)))
(def pipeline-structure
`(; ...
; Works well with wait-for-git:
; If no revision is given (e.g. because of manual trigger), clone falls back to the head of the master branch
(defn clone [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/clone ctx repo (:revision args) (:cwd args)))
(def pipeline-structure
(defn clone [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/clone ctx repo branch-or-tag-or-commit-hash (:cwd args)))
(def pipeline-structure
You can have clone steps that clone into different subdirectories:
(defn clone-foo [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/clone ctx repo branch-or-tag-or-commit-hash (str (:cwd args) "/" "foo")))
(defn clone-bar [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/clone ctx repo branch-or-tag-or-commit-hash (str (:cwd args) "/" "bar")))
(def pipeline-structure
`(; ...
If you want to use this in combination with wait-for-git
, you need to detect which commit to use. For details, see
You can tag any revision:
(defn deploy-to-live [args ctx]
;do deploy
(let [cwd (:cwd args)]
(lambdacd-git/tag-version ctx cwd repo "HEAD" (str "live-" version))))
(def pipeline-structure
`(; ...
Certain values can be configured using LambdaCDs config-map. The following example shows the default:
(let [config {:git {:timeout 20 ; the timeout for remote operations in seconds
:credentials-provider (CredentialsProvider/getDefault) ; the credentials-provider to use for HTTPS clones (e.g. UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider)
:ssh {:use-agent true ; whether to use an SSH agent
:known-hosts-files ["~/.ssh/known_hosts"
"/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts"] ; which known-hosts files to use for SSH connections
:identity-file nil ; override the normal SSH behavior and explicitly specify a key to use
:strict-host-key-checking nil}}}] ; override the normal SSH behavior and explicitly set the StrictHostKeyChecking setting. Off by default, can be set to yes,no or ask
(lambdacd/assemble-pipeline pipeline-structure config))
The same parameters can also be used as parameters to git operations directly, e.g. if different repositories need different credentials:
(defn clone [args ctx]
(lambdacd-git/clone ctx repo branch-or-tag-or-commit-hash (:cwd args)
:credentials-provider (UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider. (System/getenv "LAMBDACD_GIT_TESTREPO_USERNAME")
LambdaCD-Git honors the default SSH Config files from ~/.ssh/config
currently not supported (see #23)). Use this to configure things like StrictHostKeyChecking
or the IdentityFile
. Alternatively, some options can be configured using ssh-init
LambdaCD Git automatically picks up SSH-Keys in the default locations, e.g. ~/.ssh/id_rsa
. SSH Agents are also supported.
Authentication for HTTPS is supported using an instance of the JGit CredentialsProvider
Import e.g. UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider
into your namespace:
(ns <your-pipeline-name>.core
(:import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider)
Add an instance to the LambdaCD config:
(let [config {:home-dir "/some/path"
:git {:credentials-provider (UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider. "some-username" "some-password")}}]
; ...
Some features of lambdacd-git (ssh-agent support, extended known_hosts support) require customizations to JGits singleton
SSH session factory. Call init-ssh!
once, e.g. in your -main
(defn -main [& args]
; ...
; ...
Call ./go
Copyright © 2015 Florian Sellmayr
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0