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CODEOWNERS Terraform Provider

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Terraform Provider for GitHub CODEOWNERS files.


Do you use terraform to manage your GitHub organisation? Are you frustrated that you can't manage your code review approvers using the same method? Well, now you can!


Download the relevant binary from releases and copy it to $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/.


The following provider block variables are available for configuration:

  • commit_message_prefix - An optional prefix to be added to all commits generated as a result of manipulating the CODEOWNERS file.
  • github_token GitHub auth token - see below section. (read from env var $GITHUB_TOKEN)
  • username Username to use in commits (read from env var $GITHUB_USERNAME)
  • email Email to use in commits - this must match the email in your GPG key if you are signing commits (read from env var $GITHUB_EMAIL)
  • gpg_secret_key The private GPG key to use to sign commits (optional) (read from env var $GPG_SECRET_KEY)
  • gpg_passphrase The passphrase associated with the aforementioned GPG key (optional) (read from env var $GPG_PASSPHRASE)


There are two methods for authenticating with this provider.

You can specify your github token in the provider block, as below:

provider "codeowners" {
    github_token = "..."

Alternatively, you can use the following environment variable:

export GITHUB_TOKEN="..."

Provider block variables will override environment variables, where provided.

Your token must have the full repo permission block set.



resource "codeowners_file" "my-codeowners-file" {
  # for repo
  repository_name  = "my-repo"
  repository_owner = "my-org"
  branch           = "master" # this is where changes will be committed - you can omit this to use the default repo branch (recommended)
  rules = [
      pattern = "*"
      usernames = [ "expert" ]
      pattern = "*.java"
      usernames = [ "java-expert", "my-org/experts" ]

The above would result in the following content being committed to .github/CODEOWNERS on master of the repository:

# automatically generated by terraform - please do not edit here
* @expert 
*.java @java-expert @my-org/experts