A skeleton project for a ClojureScript Single Page Application (SPA) backed by a Swagger API. The aim is to provide basic wiring from which an application can be rapidly developed.
Include the following in your emacs init.el:
"(do (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api) (start-figwheel!) (cljs-repl))"))
In the older versions of CIDER the variable is called cider-cljs-repl
To start both REPLs simultaneously press C-c M-J
Figwheel will be started and a piggieback connection into the browser's Javascript VM will be automatically established.
The server consists of a Pedestal web server which serves a root for the SPA and a Swagger API provided by pedestal-api. You can start it from a new Clojure REPL by loading the dev namespace and running start:
user> (dev)
dev> (start)
The SPA is a ClojureScript application which can be built and developed using Figwheel. Once the server is started, open http://localhost:8080 to connect the ClojureScript REPL. You should see the following in the CLJS REPL:
Prompt will show when Figwheel connects to your application
To quit, type: :cljs/quit
;; => nil
You can make changes to the CLJS source files under /src/cljs/
, save them, and see the
results hot-loaded into your browser with no refresh required. You can evaluate code in the CLJS REPL just like you would in a CLJ REPL.
There are two different builds provided: the default dev
and; devcards
. In the ClojureScript REPL you can switch builds using (switch-to-build "devcards")
. In order to use the devcards build you will need to view cards.html instead of the index.
Devcards provides a way to test components interactively and in isolation, see more at Devcards.
$ lein uberjar
$ java -Dnomad.env=dev -jar target/uberjar/spa-skeleton-standalone.jar
Copyright © 2016 oliyh
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.