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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 16, 2020. It is now read-only.


tagged this 12 Sep 08:34
* handle Exquilla accounts (#55)
* better preference interface (+ Ctrl-Alt-Shift-P shortcut)
* option to restrict count to favorite folders (#21, #45)
* option to launch program on message count change (#33, #37)
* option to hide only last window (#24)
* internal reworks (+ nsIBaseWindow.nativeHandle + better logging with log4moz)
* fix start_hidden (#39)
* fix auto-iconify-after-show (#54)
* fix recursive folder count (#44)
* fix icon update when changing icon preferences
* fix item menu titles for Seamonkey
* fix middle-click (activate) to show window when hidden
Assets 2