I'm Phil - a frontend developer, a graduate of BMSTU informatics and control systems department. Keen on learning new technologies in web-dev, which improve user experience and benefit the business!
My projects.
My CV.
You can also check out my self-introduction video.
- TG @foxkilomike
- Mail filooloog@mail.ru
- LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/foxtrotkilo
- React, Redux & RTK, MobX
- JavaScript, TypeScript
- Node.js, Express
- Webpack, Vite
Projects list
An application which helps a team of developers to track project's tasks.

- React
- TypeScript
- React Router
- React Bootstrap, SASS
- React Hook Form
- React Beautiful DnD
- Vite
- boards display in a grid with a board preview
- accessible confirmation modal window on creation, editing, and deletion of a board, a column, a task
- drag & drop for tasks reordering, moving to other columns, and columns reordering
- user registration, authentication & authorization
- editing & deletion of a user profile
- accessible log-in forms with validation
- routes protection
- redirects to the Main page on log-in, or when a user's token expires, or when a user is logged in and tries to reach the log-in form
- a column with a scrollbar in case of tasks overflow
- a header with a changing set of buttons:
- "#" & "#" for unregistered users,
- "Create board", "Edit Profile", "Main page", and "Sign out" for logged-in users
- custom 404 page
- custom scrollbars
- user-friendly toast notifications
- adaptive & responsive layout, burger menu
E-commerce "Lalasia" is a prototype of an online store with the ability to register, chose goods and make orders, which will be listed in a customer profile.

- React
- TypeScript
- MobX
- React Router
- React Hook Form
- Webpack
- products search with title & filter by category
- infinite scroll
- user registration, authentication & authorization, logout
- the flow of making an order (add to cart -> modify the number of products -> checkout -> pay -> see the order in profile)
- accessible #, # and payment forms with validation
- routes protection & redirect to "#" page
- custom 404 page
- cart items and user orders beeing saved and restored from localStorage
- accessible filter dropdown on "Products" page, accessible modal window on "Cart" page while deleting a product
- "About us" with random facts generator about me
- user-friendly annotations on empty, private or non-existing pages; transitions & hover effects
- adaptive & responsive layout for all pages, burger menu
A recipe portal, a clone of allrecipes.com.

- TypeScript
- noUiSlider, SwiperJS
- Webpack
- NodeJS (Express JS) + MongoDB (mongoose)
- open APIΒ +Β Recipes APIΒ is used as a data source
- user registration, authentication & authorization, a user session is saved; forms with validation
- the main page contains quick access blocks to recipes categories
- the recipes page has dozens of filters, several sorting options, and a search bar to find suitable recipes
- recipes constructor shows relevant recipes, which can be cooked with the ingredients you have
- article page has relevant recipes at the end of the page
- add recipe and article to favorite or save for later by clicking on a bookmark or a heart icon -Β for registered users
- watch (and modify) saved and favorite articles and recipes, as well as products and a shopping list on the user profile page
- adaptive & responsive layout, burger menu
- implemented REST API with GET/POST requests handling
- API documentation is implemented (using openAPI 3.0)
- implemented MVC pattern (DB entities are divided to model, router, service)
- user registration, authentication & authorization with JWT tokens + cookies
- configured CORS settings and correct error handling, implemented custom error object and custom error messages, grouped in configs
A virtual keyboard, which represents physical keys pressing and can be used to type via the UI.

- vanilla JavaScript bundled with Webpack
- keys highlighting while pressing physical buttons
- text navigation using arrow keys
- clearing the text field on pressing a cross icon
- expanding text field within certain limits
- layout changes on language change and on special keys press (CapsLock, Shift...)
- responsive design
- an easter egg on pressing
A two-page site of pets' shelter.

- JavaScript
- a burger menu
- a custom slider
- a custom pagination
- an adaptive design
- interactive elements with hover effects
- a smooth scroll
A task to practice asynchronous requests for cars' race and detecting winners.
- Repository
- Deploy (Note: to be able to watch working version ones need to start up a local server with cars data. The code and instructions can be found here.)

- TypeScript, bundled with Webpack
- cars generation & updating with a name and a color, also a random generation of 100 cars to start the app quickly from scratch
- starting/stopping & position reset for all the cars on the current page (implemented via
requests) - starting/stopping a particular car
- a car stops if an HTTP 500 status code is returned
- a winner detection
- a pagination
- the winners page gets updated via an HTTP query
An online store with filtering, sorting, and searching for keyboards.

- TypeScript bundled with Webpack
- Jest
- goods filtering by multiple criteria
- goods sorting and search
- dynamic cards generation
- adding of goods to the cart
- adaptive design

4 mini-projects in JavaScript:
- A photographer's landing page
- An audio player (media usage in a browser)
- Images gallery (a work with an API)
- A browser game (a runner game with JavaScript)\