I'm developing Habu to teach (and learn) some concepts about Python and Network Hacking.
Some techniques implemented in the current version are:
- ARP Poisoning and Sniffing
- DHCP Discover and Starvation
- Subdomains Identification
- Certificate Cloning
- TCP Analysis (ISN, Flags)
- Username check on social networks
- Web Techonologies Identification
- and a lot more!
The development of this software is supported by Securetia SRL (https://www.securetia.com/)
Various useful usage scenarios are detailed in https://fportantier.github.io/hacking-with-habu/
The following Youtube Playlist has videos that shows the installation and usage:
If you want to discuss some Habu features, possible improvements, etc, you can use the Habu Telegram Group: https://t.me/python_habu
Issues and pull requests must be sent to github repo: https://github.com/fportantier/habu
Recommended way to install:
$ python3 -m pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/fportantier/habu.git
This must works on any system that has Python 3 installed.
Note: On some systems (like Microsoft Windows) you must adjust the command to point to the correct path of the Python executable.
Now we have a command to upgrade directly from the Git repo and clean any old command that not longer exists or that has been renamed.
$ habu.upgrade
All the commands implement the option '--help', that shows the help, arguments, options, and default values.
Almost all commands implement the verbose mode with the '-v' option. This can give you some extra info about what habu is doing.
- arp.ping
- arp.poison
- arp.sniff
- asydns
- b64
- cert.clone
- cert.crtsh
- cert.names
- config.del
- config.set
- config.show
- crack.luhn
- crack.snmp
- crypto.fernet
- crypto.fernet.genkey
- crypto.gppref
- crypto.hasher
- crypto.xor
- data.enrich
- data.extract.domain
- data.extract.email
- data.extract.fqdn
- data.extract.ipv4
- data.filter
- data.select
- dhcp.discover
- dhcp.starvation
- dns.lookup.forward
- dns.lookup.reverse
- eicar
- forkbomb
- fqdn.finder
- gateway.find
- host
- http.headers
- http.options
- http.tech
- icmp.ping
- ip.asn
- ip.geolocation
- ip.internal
- ip.public
- karma
- karma.bulk
- land
- nc
- net.contest
- net.interfaces
- nmap.excluded
- nmap.open
- nmap.ports
- protoscan
- server.ftp
- shodan
- shodan.query
- tcp.flags
- tcp.isn
- tcp.scan
- tcp.synflood
- traceroute
- upgrade
- usercheck
- version
- vhosts
- virustotal
- web.report
- web.screenshot
- whois.domain
- whois.ip
Usage: habu.arp.ping [OPTIONS] IP Send ARP packets to check if a host it's alive in the local network. Example: # habu.arp.ping Ether / ARP is at a4:08:f5:19:17:a4 says / Padding Options: -i TEXT Interface to use -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.arp.poison [OPTIONS] VICTIM1 VICTIM2 Send ARP 'is-at' packets to each victim, poisoning their ARP tables for send the traffic to your system. Note: If you want a full working Man In The Middle attack, you need to enable the packet forwarding on your operating system to act like a router. You can do that using: # echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward Example: # habu.arpoison Ether / ARP is at f4:96:34:e5:ae:1b says Ether / ARP is at f4:96:34:e5:ae:1b says Ether / ARP is at f4:96:34:e5:ae:1b says ... Options: -i TEXT Interface to use -v Verbose --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.arp.sniff [OPTIONS] Listen for ARP packets and show information for each device. Columns: Seconds from last packet | IP | MAC | Vendor Example: 1 a4:08:f5:19:17:a4 Sagemcom Broadband SAS 7 64:bc:0c:33:e5:57 LG Electronics (Mobile Communications) 2 00:c2:c6:30:2c:58 Intel Corporate 6 54:f2:01:db:35:58 Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd Options: -i TEXT Interface to use --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.asydns [OPTIONS] Requests a DNS domain name based on public and private RSA keys using the AsyDNS protocol https://github.com/portantier/asydns Example: $ habu.asydns -v Generating RSA key ... Loading RSA key ... { "ip": "", "name": "07286e90fd6e7e6be61d6a7919967c7cf3bbfb23a36edbc72b6d7c53.a.asydns.org" } $ dig +short 07286e90fd6e7e6be61d6a7919967c7cf3bbfb23a36edbc72b6d7c53.a.asydns.org Options: -u TEXT API URL -g Force the generation of a new key pair -r Revoke the public key -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.b64 [OPTIONS] [F] Encodes or decode data in base64, just like the command base64. $ echo awesome | habu.b64 YXdlc29tZQo= $ echo YXdlc29tZQo= | habu.b64 -d awesome Options: -d decode instead of encode --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.cert.clone [OPTIONS] HOSTNAME PORT KEYFILE CERTFILE Connect to an SSL/TLS server, get the certificate and generate a certificate with the same options and field values. Note: The generated certificate is invalid, but can be used for social engineering attacks Example: $ habu.certclone www.google.com 443 /tmp/key.pem /tmp/cert.pem Options: --copy-extensions Copy certificate extensions (default: False) --expired Generate an expired certificate (default: False) -v Verbose --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.cert.crtsh [OPTIONS] DOMAIN Downloads the certificate transparency logs for a domain and check with DNS queries if each subdomain exists. Uses multithreading to improve the performance of the DNS queries. Example: $ habu.crtsh securetia.com alt.securetia.com other.securetia.com www.securetia.com Options: -c Disable cache -n Disable DNS subdomain validation -v Verbose output --json Print the output in JSON format --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.cert.names [OPTIONS] [NETWORK] Connects to each host/port and shows a summary of the certificate names. The hosts to connect to are taken from two possible options: 1. -i option (default: stdin). A file where each line is a host or network 2. An argument that can be a host or network If you use both methods, the hosts and networks are merged into one list. Example: $ habu.cert.names 443 i.s-microsoft.com microsoft.com privacy.microsoft.com 443 aod-ssl.itunes.apple.com aod.itunes.apple.com aodp-ssl.itunes.apple.com 443 *.mlb.com mlb.com 443 [SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:1056) 443 cert2-cn-public-ubiservices.ubi.com cert2-cn-public-ws-ubiservices.ubi.com 443 *.blog.sina.com.cn *.dmp.sina.cn aod.itunes.apple.com aodp-ssl.itunes.apple.com aod-ssl.itunes.apple.com *.blog.sina.com.cn cert2-cn-public-ubiservices.ubi.com cert2-cn-public-ws-ubiservices.ubi.com *.dmp.sina.cn i.s-microsoft.com microsoft.com *.mlb.com mlb.com privacy.microsoft.com Options: -p TEXT Ports to connect to (comma separated list) -i FILENAME Input file (Default: stdin) -t FLOAT Time to wait for each connection -v Verbose output --json Print the output in JSON format --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.config.del [OPTIONS] KEY Delete a KEY from the configuration. Note: By default, KEY is converted to uppercase. Example: $ habu.config.del DNS_SERVER Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.config.set [OPTIONS] KEY VALUE Set VALUE to the config KEY. Note: By default, KEY is converted to uppercase. Example: $ habu.config.set DNS_SERVER Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.config.show [OPTIONS] Show the current config. Note: By default, the options with 'KEY' in their name are shadowed. Example: $ habu.config.show { "DNS_SERVER": "", "FERNET_KEY": "*************" } Options: -k, --show-keys Show also the key values --option TEXT... Write to the config(KEY VALUE) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.crack.luhn [OPTIONS] NUMBER Having known values for a Luhn validated number, obtain the possible unknown numbers. Numbers that use the Luhn algorithm for validation are Credit Cards, IMEI, National Provider Identifier in the United States, Canadian Social Insurance Numbers, Israel ID Numbers and Greek Social Security Numbers (ΑΜΚΑ). The '-' characters are ignored. Define the missing numbers with the 'x' character. Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luhn_algorithm Example: $ habu.crack.luhn 4509-xx08-3160-6445 4509000831606445 4509180831606445 4509260831606445 4509340831606445 4509420831606445 4509590831606445 4509670831606445 4509750831606445 4509830831606445 4509910831606445 Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.crack.snmp [OPTIONS] IP Launches snmp-get queries against an IP, and tells you when finds a valid community string (is a simple SNMP cracker). The dictionary used is the distributed with the onesixtyone tool https://github.com/trailofbits/onesixtyone Example: # habu.crack.snmp Community found: private Community found: public Note: You can also receive messages like \<UNIVERSAL\> \<class 'scapy.asn1.asn1.ASN1\_Class\_metaclass'\>, I don't know how to supress them for now. Options: -p INTEGER Port to use -c TEXT Community (default: list of most used) -s Stop after first match -v Verbose --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.crypto.fernet [OPTIONS] Fernet cipher. Uses AES-128-CBC with HMAC Note: You must use a key to cipher with Fernet. Use the -k paramenter or set the FERNET_KEY configuration value. The keys can be generated with the command habu.crypto.fernet.genkey Reference: https://github.com/fernet/spec/blob/master/Spec.md Example: $ "I want to protect this string" | habu.crypto.fernet gAAAAABbXnCGoCULLuVNRElYTbEcwnek9iq5jBKq9JAN3wiiBUzPqpUgV5oWvnC6xfIA... $ echo gAAAAABbXnCGoCULLuVNRElYTbEcwnek9iq5jBKq9JAN3wiiBUzPqpUgV5oWvnC6xfIA... | habu.crypto.fernet -d I want to protect this string Options: -k TEXT Key -d Decrypt instead of encrypt --ttl INTEGER Time To Live for timestamp verification -i FILENAME Input file (default: stdin) -o FILENAME Output file (default: stdout) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.crypto.fernet.genkey [OPTIONS] Generate a new Fernet Key, optionally write it to ~/.habu.json Example: $ habu.crypto.fernet.genkey xgvWCIvjwe9Uq7NBvwO796iI4dsGD623QOT9GWqnuhg= Options: -w Write this key to ~/.habu.json --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.crypto.gppref [OPTIONS] PASSWORD Decrypt the password of local users added via Windows 2008 Group Policy Preferences. This value is the 'cpassword' attribute embedded in the Groups.xml file, stored in the domain controller's Sysvol share. Example: # habu.crypto.gppref AzVJmXh/J9KrU5n0czX1uBPLSUjzFE8j7dOltPD8tLk testpassword Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.crypto.hasher [OPTIONS] [F] Compute various hashes for the input data, that can be a file or a stream. Example: $ habu.crypto.hasher README.rst md5 992a833cd162047daaa6a236b8ac15ae README.rst ripemd160 0566f9141e65e57cae93e0e3b70d1d8c2ccb0623 README.rst sha1 d7dbfd2c5e2828eb22f776550c826e4166526253 README.rst sha256 6bb22d927e1b6307ced616821a1877b6cc35e... README.rst sha512 8743f3eb12a11cf3edcc16e400fb14d599b4a... README.rst whirlpool 96bcc083242e796992c0f3462f330811f9e8c... README.rst You can also specify which algorithm to use. In such case, the output is only the value of the calculated hash: $ habu.hasher -a md5 README.rst 992a833cd162047daaa6a236b8ac15ae README.rst Options: -a [md5|sha1|sha256|sha512|ripemd160|whirlpool] Only this algorithm (Default: all) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.crypto.xor [OPTIONS] XOR cipher. Note: XOR is not a 'secure cipher'. If you need strong crypto you must use algorithms like AES. You can use habu.fernet for that. Example: $ habu.xor -k mysecretkey -i /bin/ls > xored $ habu.xor -k mysecretkey -i xored > uxored $ sha1sum /bin/ls uxored $ 6fcf930fcee1395a1c95f87dd38413e02deff4bb /bin/ls $ 6fcf930fcee1395a1c95f87dd38413e02deff4bb uxored Options: -k TEXT Encryption key -i FILENAME Input file (default: stdin) -o FILENAME Output file (default: stdout) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.data.enrich [OPTIONS] Enrich data adding interesting information. Example: $ cat /var/log/auth.log | habu.data.extract.ipv4 | habu.data.enrich [ { "asset": "", "family": "IPAddress", "asn": "15169", "net": "", "cc": "US", "rir": "ARIN", "asname": "GOOGLE - Google LLC, US" }, { "asset": "", "family": "IPAddress", "asn": "15169", "net": "", "cc": "US", "rir": "ARIN", "asname": "GOOGLE - Google LLC, US" } ] Options: -i FILENAME Input file (Default: stdin) -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.data.extract.domain [OPTIONS] [INFILE] Extract valid domains from a file or stdin. Optionally, check each domain for the presence of NS registers. Example: $ cat /var/log/some.log | habu.data.extract.domain -c google.com ibm.com redhat.com Options: -c Check if domain has NS servers defined -v Verbose output -j JSON output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.data.extract.email [OPTIONS] [INFILE] Extract email addresses from a file or stdin. Example: $ cat /var/log/auth.log | habu.data.extract.email john@securetia.com raven@acmecorp.net nmarks@fimax.com Options: -v Verbose output -j JSON output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.data.extract.fqdn [OPTIONS] [INFILE] Extract FQDNs (Fully Qualified Domain Names) from a file or stdin. Example: $ cat /var/log/some.log | habu.data.extract.fqdn www.google.com ibm.com fileserver.redhat.com Options: -c Check if hostname resolves -v Verbose output -j JSON output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.data.extract.ipv4 [OPTIONS] [INFILE] Extract IPv4 addresses from a file or stdin. Example: $ cat /var/log/auth.log | habu.data.extract.ipv4 Options: -j, --json JSON output -u, --unique Remove duplicates -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.data.filter [OPTIONS] FIELD [gt|lt|eq|ne|ge|le|in|contains|defin ed|undefined|true|false] [VALUE] Filter data based on operators. Operator Reference: gt: Greater than lt: Lesser than eq: Equal to ne: Not equal to ge: Greather or equal than le: Lesser or equal than in: Inside the list of values (or inside the network) contains: Contains the value (or the network address) defined: The value is defined undefined: The value is not defined true: The value is True false: The value is False Example: $ cat /var/log/auth.log | habu.data.extract.ipv4 | habu.data.enrich | habu.data.filter cc eq US [ { "item": "", "family": "ipv4_address", "asn": "15169", "net": "", "cc": "US", "rir": "ARIN", "asname": "GOOGLE - Google LLC, US" } ] Docs: https://fportantier.github.io/hacking-with-habu/user/data-manipulation.html#data-enrichment Options: -i FILENAME Input file (Default: stdin) -v Verbose output --not Negate the comparison --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.data.select [OPTIONS] FIELD Select a field from a JSON input. Example: $ cat /var/log/auth.log | habu.data.extract.ipv4 | habu.data.enrich | habu.data.filter cc eq US | habu.data.select asset Options: -i FILENAME Input file (Default: stdin) -v Verbose output --json JSON output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.dhcp.discover [OPTIONS] Send a DHCP request and show what devices has replied. Note: Using '-v' you can see all the options (like DNS servers) included on the responses. # habu.dhcp_discover Ether / IP / UDP > / BOOTP / DHCP Options: -i TEXT Interface to use -t INTEGER Time (seconds) to wait for responses -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.dhcp.starvation [OPTIONS] Send multiple DHCP requests from forged MAC addresses to fill the DHCP server leases. When all the available network addresses are assigned, the DHCP server don't send responses. So, some attacks, like DHCP spoofing, can be made. # habu.dhcp_starvation Ether / IP / UDP > / BOOTP / DHCP Ether / IP / UDP > / BOOTP / DHCP Ether / IP / UDP > / BOOTP / DHCP Options: -i TEXT Interface to use -t INTEGER Time (seconds) to wait for responses -s INTEGER Time (seconds) between requests -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.dns.lookup.forward [OPTIONS] HOSTNAME Perform a forward lookup of a given hostname. Example: $ habu.dns.lookup.forward google.com { "ipv4": "", "ipv6": "2a00:1450:400a:802::200e" } Options: -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.dns.lookup.reverse [OPTIONS] IP_ADDRESS Perform a reverse lookup of a given IP address. Example: $ $ habu.dns.lookup.reverse { "hostname": "google-public-dns-a.google.com" } Options: -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.eicar [OPTIONS] Print the EICAR test string that can be used to test antimalware engines. More info: http://www.eicar.org/86-0-Intended-use.html Example: $ habu.eicar X5O!P%@AP[4\XZP54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.forkbomb [OPTIONS] [bash|batch|c|haskell|perl|php|python|ruby] A shortcut to remember how to use fork bombs in different languages. Currently supported: bash, batch, c, haskell, perl, php, python, ruby. Example: $ habu.forkbomb c #include <unistd.h> int main() { while(1) { fork(); } return 0; } Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.fqdn.finder [OPTIONS] [DOMAINS]... Uses various techniques to obtain valid FQDNs for the specified domains. 1. Try to all FQDNs with DNS zone transfers 2. Check for Certificate Transparency Logs 3. Connect to specified ports, obtain SSL certificates and get FQDNs from them 4. Connect to websites and get FQDNs based on the website links 5. DNS Brute Force for common names The results are cleaned to remove FQDNs that does not resolve by DNS Example: $ habu.fqdn.finder educacionit.com barometrosalarial.educacionit.com blog.educacionit.com ci.educacionit.com educacionit.com intranet.educacionit.com lecdev.educacionit.com lecweb.educacionit.com mail.educacionit.com plantillas.educacionit.com www.educacionit.com Options: -t FLOAT Time to wait for each connection -v Verbose output --debug Debug output --connect / --no-connect Get from known FQDNs open ports SSL certificates --brute / --no-brute Run DNS brute force against domains --links / --no-links Extract FQDNs from web site links --xfr / --no-xfr Try to do a DNS zone transfer against domains --ctlog / --no-ctlog Try to get FQDNs from Certificate Transparency Logs --json Print the output in JSON format --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.gateway.find [OPTIONS] NETWORK Try to reach an external IP using any host has a router. Useful to find routers in your network. First, uses arping to detect alive hosts and obtain MAC addresses. Later, create a network packet and put each MAC address as destination. Last, print the devices that forwarded correctly the packets. Example: # habu.find.gateway a4:08:f5:19:17:a4 Sagemcom b0:98:2b:5d:22:70 Sagemcom b0:98:2b:5d:1f:e8 Sagemcom Options: -i TEXT Interface to use --host TEXT Host to reach (default: --tcp Use TCP instead of ICMP --dport INTEGER RANGE Destination port for TCP (default: 80) --timeout INTEGER Timeout in seconds (default: 5) -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.host [OPTIONS] Collect information about the host where habu is running. Example: $ habu.host { "kernel": [ "Linux", "demo123", "5.0.6-200.fc29.x86_64", "#1 SMP Wed Apr 3 15:09:51 UTC 2019", "x86_64", "x86_64" ], "distribution": [ "Fedora", "29", "Twenty Nine" ], "libc": [ "glibc", "2.2.5" ], "arch": "x86_64", "python_version": "3.7.3", "os_name": "Linux", "cpu": "x86_64", "static_hostname": "demo123", "fqdn": "demo123.lab.sierra" } Options: -v Verbose output. --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.http.headers [OPTIONS] SERVER Retrieve the HTTP headers of a web server. Example: $ habu.http.headers http://duckduckgo.com { "Server": "nginx", "Date": "Sun, 14 Apr 2019 00:00:55 GMT", "Content-Type": "text/html", "Content-Length": "178", "Connection": "keep-alive", "Location": "https://duckduckgo.com/", "X-Frame-Options": "SAMEORIGIN", "Content-Security-Policy": "default-src https: blob: data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'", "X-XSS-Protection": "1;mode=block", "X-Content-Type-Options": "nosniff", "Referrer-Policy": "origin", "Expect-CT": "max-age=0", "Expires": "Mon, 13 Apr 2020 00:00:55 GMT", "Cache-Control": "max-age=31536000" } Options: -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.http.options [OPTIONS] SERVER Retrieve the available HTTP methods of a web server. Example: $ habu.http.options -v http://google.com { "allowed": "GET, HEAD" } Options: -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.http.tech [OPTIONS] URL Uses Wappalyzer apps.json database to identify technologies used on a web application. Reference: https://github.com/AliasIO/Wappalyzer Note: This tool only sends one request. So, it's stealth and not suspicious. $ habu.web.tech https://woocomerce.com Google Tag Manager unknown MySQL unknown Nginx unknown PHP unknown Prototype unknown RequireJS unknown WooCommerce 3.8.0 WordPress 5.2.4 Yoast SEO 10.0.1 Options: --cache / --no-cache --format [txt|csv|json] Output format -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.icmp.ping [OPTIONS] IP The classic ping tool that send ICMP echo requests. # habu.icmp.ping IP / ICMP > echo-reply 0 / Padding IP / ICMP > echo-reply 0 / Padding IP / ICMP > echo-reply 0 / Padding IP / ICMP > echo-reply 0 / Padding Options: -i TEXT Wich interface to use (default: auto) -c INTEGER How many packets send (default: infinit) -t INTEGER Timeout in seconds (default: 2) -w INTEGER How many seconds between packets (default: 1) -v Verbose --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.ip.asn [OPTIONS] IP Use Team Cymru ip2asn service to get information about a public IPv4/IPv6. Reference: https://www.team-cymru.com/IP-ASN-mapping.html $ habu.ip.asn { "asn": "15169", "net": "", "cc": "US", "rir": "ARIN", "asname": "GOOGLE - Google LLC, US", "country": "United States" } Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.ip.geolocation [OPTIONS] IP_ADDRESS Get the geolocation of an IP adddress from https://ipapi.co/. Example: $ habu.ip.geolocation { "ip": "", "city": "Mountain View", ... "asn": "AS15169", "org": "Google LLC" } Options: -v Verbose output. --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.ip.internal [OPTIONS] Get the local IP address(es) of the local interfaces. Example: $ habu.ip.internal { "lo": { "ipv4": [ { "addr": "", "netmask": "", "peer": "" } ], "link_layer": [ { "addr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "peer": "00:00:00:00:00:00" } ], "ipv6": [ { "addr": "::1", "netmask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128" } ] }, ... Options: -v Verbose output. --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.ip.public [OPTIONS] Get the public IP address of the connection from https://api.ipify.org. Example: $ habu.ip.public Options: -4, --ipv4 Print your public IPv4 address (default) -6, --ipv6 Print your public IPv6 address -j, --json Print the output in JSON format --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.karma [OPTIONS] HOST Use the Karma service https://karma.securetia.com to check an IP against various Threat Intelligence / Reputation lists. $ habu.karma www.google.com www.google.com -> [ "hphosts_fsa", "hphosts_psh", "hphosts_emd" ] Note: You can use the hostname or the IP of the host to query. Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.karma.bulk [OPTIONS] [INFILE] Show which IP addresses are inside blacklists using the Karma online service. Example: $ cat /var/log/auth.log | habu.extract.ipv4 | habu.karma.bulk spamhaus_drop,alienvault_spamming CLEAN alienvault_malicious Options: --json JSON output --bad Show only entries in blacklists -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.land [OPTIONS] IP This command implements the LAND attack, that sends packets forging the source IP address to be the same that the destination IP. Also uses the same source and destination port. The attack is very old, and can be used to make a Denial of Service on old systems, like Windows NT 4.0. More information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LAND # sudo habu.land ............ Note: Each dot (.) is a sent packet. You can specify how many packets send with the '-c' option. The default is never stop. Also, you can specify the destination port, with the '-p' option. Options: -c INTEGER How many packets send (default: infinit) -p INTEGER Port to use (default: 135) -i TEXT Interface to use -v Verbose --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.nc [OPTIONS] HOST PORT Some kind of netcat/ncat replacement. The execution emulates the feeling of this popular tools. Example: $ habu.nc --crlf www.portantier.com 80 Connected to 80 HEAD / HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 21:10:51 GMT Server: OpenBSD httpd Connection: close Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 443 Location: https://www.portantier.com/ Options: --family [4|6|46] IP Address Family --ssl Enable SSL --crlf Use CRLF for EOL sequence --protocol [tcp|udp] Layer 4 protocol to use --source-ip TEXT Source IP to use --source-port INTEGER RANGE Source port to use --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.net.contest [OPTIONS] Try to connect to various services and check if can reach them using your internet connection. Example: $ habu.net.contest DNS: True FTP: True SSH: True HTTP: True HTTPS: True Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.net.interfaces [OPTIONS] Show the network interfaces available on the system. Example: # habu.interfaces # NAME MAC INET INET6 0 eth0 80:fa:5b:4b:f9:18 None None 1 lo 00:00:00:00:00:00 ::1 2 wlan0 f4:96:34:e5:ae:1b None 3 vboxnet0 0a:00:27:00:00:00 fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0 Options: -j Output in JSON format --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.nmap.excluded [OPTIONS] Prints a random port that is not present on nmap-services file so is not scanned automatically by nmap. Useful for services like SSH or RDP, that are continuously scanned on their default ports. Example: # habu.nmap.excluded 58567 Options: -l INTEGER RANGE Lowest port to consider -h INTEGER RANGE Highest port to consider --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.nmap.open [OPTIONS] SCANFILE Read an nmap report and print the open ports. Print the ports that has been resulted open reading the generated nmap output. You can use it to rapidly reutilize the port list for the input of other tools. Supports and detects the 3 output formats (nmap, gnmap and xml) Example: # habu.nmap.open portantier.nmap 22,80,443 Options: -p [tcp|udp|sctp] The protocol (default=tcp) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.nmap.ports [OPTIONS] SCANFILE Read an nmap report and print the tested ports. Print the ports that has been tested reading the generated nmap output. You can use it to rapidly reutilize the port list for the input of other tools. Supports and detects the 3 output formats (nmap, gnmap and xml) Example: # habu.nmap.ports portantier.nmap 21,22,23,80,443 Options: -p [tcp|udp|sctp] The protocol (default=tcp) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.protoscan [OPTIONS] IP Send IP packets with different protocol field content to guess what layer 4 protocols are available. The output shows which protocols doesn't generate a 'protocol-unreachable' ICMP response. Example: $ sudo python cmd_ipscan.py 1 icmp 2 igmp 4 ipencap 6 tcp 17 udp 41 ipv6 47 gre 50 esp 51 ah 58 ipv6_icmp 97 etherip 112 vrrp 115 l2tp 132 sctp 137 mpls_in_ip Options: -i TEXT Interface to use -t INTEGER Timeout for each probe (default: 2 seconds) --all Probe all protocols (default: Defined in /etc/protocols) -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.server.ftp [OPTIONS] Basic fake FTP server, whith the only purpose to steal user credentials. Supports SSL/TLS. Example: # sudo habu.server.ftp --ssl --ssl-cert /tmp/cert.pem --ssl-key /tmp/key.pem Listening on port 21 Accepted connection from ('', 56832) Credentials collected from! fabian 123456 Options: -a TEXT Address to bind (default: all) -p INTEGER Which port to use (default: 21) --ssl Enable SSL/TLS (default: False) --ssl-cert TEXT SSL/TLS Cert file --ssl-key TEXT SSL/TLS Key file -v Verbose --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.shodan [OPTIONS] IP Simple shodan API client. Prints the JSON result of a shodan query. Example: $ habu.shodan asn AS15169 isp Google hostnames eze04s06-in-f4.1e100.net, gru09s17-in-f36.1e100.net country_code US region_code CA city Mountain View org Google open_ports tcp/443, tcp/80 Options: --cache / --no-cache -v Verbose output --format [txt|csv|json|nmap] Output format --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.shodan.query [OPTIONS] QUERY Simple shodan API client. Prints the JSON result of a shodan query. Example: $ habu.shodan { "hostnames": [ "google-public-dns-a.google.com" ], "country_code": "US", "org": "Google", "data": [ { "isp": "Google", "transport": "udp", "data": "Recursion: enabled", "asn": "AS15169", "port": 53, "hostnames": [ "google-public-dns-a.google.com" ] } ], "ports": [ 53 ] } Options: -c Disable cache -v Verbose output -o FILENAME Output file (default: stdout) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.tcp.flags [OPTIONS] IP Send TCP packets with different flags and tell what responses receives. It can be used to analyze how the different TCP/IP stack implementations and configurations responds to packet with various flag combinations. Example: # habu.tcp_flags www.portantier.com S -> SA FS -> SA FA -> R SA -> R By default, the command sends all possible flag combinations. You can specify which flags must ever be present (reducing the quantity of possible combinations), with the option '-f'. Also, you can specify which flags you want to be present on the response packets to show, with the option '-r'. With the next command, you see all the possible combinations that have the FIN (F) flag set and generates a response that contains the RST (R) flag. Example: # habu.tcp_flags -f F -r R www.portantier.com FPA -> R FSPA -> R FAU -> R Options: -p INTEGER Port to use (default: 80) -f TEXT Flags that must be sent ever (default: fuzz with all flags) -r TEXT Filter by response flags (default: show all responses) -v Verbose --first Stop on first response that matches --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.tcp.isn [OPTIONS] IP Create TCP connections and print the TCP initial sequence numbers for each one. $ sudo habu.tcp.isn -c 5 www.portantier.com 1962287220 1800895007 589617930 3393793979 469428558 Note: You can get a graphical representation (needs the matplotlib package) using the '-g' option to better understand the randomness. Options: -p INTEGER Port to use (default: 80) -c INTEGER How many packets to send/receive (default: 5) -i TEXT Interface to use -g Graph (requires matplotlib) -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.tcp.scan [OPTIONS] IP TCP Port Scanner. Print the ports that generated a response with the SYN flag or (if show use -a) all the ports that generated a response. It's really basic compared with nmap, but who is comparing? Example: # habu.tcp.scan -p 22,23,80,443 -s 1 22 S -> SA 80 S -> SA 443 S -> SA Options: -p TEXT Ports to use (default: 80) example: 20-23,80,135 -i TEXT Interface to use -f TEXT Flags to use (default: S) -s TEXT Time between probes (default: send all together) -t INTEGER Timeout for each probe (default: 2 seconds) -a Show all responses (default: Only containing SYN flag) -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.tcp.synflood [OPTIONS] IP Launch a lot of TCP connections and keeps them opened. Some very old systems can suffer a Denial of Service with this. Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYN_flood Example: # sudo habu.tcp.synflood ................. Each dot is a packet sent. You can use the options '-2' and '-3' to forge the layer 2/3 addresses. If you use them, each connection will be sent from a random layer2 (MAC) and/or layer3 (IP) address. You can choose the number of connections to create with the option '-c'. The default is never stop creating connections. Note: If you send the packets from your real IP address and you want to keep the connections half-open, you need to setup for firewall to don't send the RST packets. Options: -i TEXT Wich interface to use (default: auto) -c INTEGER How many packets send (default: infinit) -p INTEGER Port to use (default: 135) -2 Forge layer2/MAC address (default: No) -3 Forge layer3/IP address (default: No) -v Verbose --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.traceroute [OPTIONS] IP TCP traceroute. Identify the path to a destination getting the ttl-zero-during-transit messages. Note: On the internet, you can have various valid paths to a device. Example: # habu.traceroute IP / ICMP > time-exceeded ttl-zero-during-transit / IPerror / TCPerror IP / ICMP > time-exceeded ttl-zero-during-transit / IPerror / TCPerror / Padding IP / ICMP > time-exceeded ttl-zero-during-transit / IPerror / TCPerror / Padding . IP / ICMP > time-exceeded ttl-zero-during-transit / IPerror / TCPerror . IP / TCP > SA / Padding Note: It's better if you use a port that is open on the remote system. Options: -p INTEGER Port to use (default: 80) -i TEXT Interface to use --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.upgrade [OPTIONS] Upgrade habu (from https://github.com/fportantier/habu) Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.usercheck [OPTIONS] USERNAME Check if the given username exists on various social networks and other popular sites. $ habu.usercheck portantier { "aboutme": "https://about.me/portantier", "disqus": "https://disqus.com/by/portantier/", "github": "https://github.com/portantier/", "ifttt": "https://ifttt.com/p/portantier", "lastfm": "https://www.last.fm/user/portantier", "medium": "https://medium.com/@portantier", "pastebin": "https://pastebin.com/u/portantier", "pinterest": "https://in.pinterest.com/portantier/", "twitter": "https://twitter.com/portantier", "vimeo": "https://vimeo.com/portantier" } Options: -c Disable cache -v Verbose output -w Open each valid url in a webbrowser --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.version [OPTIONS] Options: --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.vhosts [OPTIONS] HOST Use Bing to query the websites hosted on the same IP address. $ habu.vhosts www.telefonica.com www.telefonica.com -> [ 'www.telefonica.es', 'universitas.telefonica.com', 'www.telefonica.com', ] Options: -c Disable cache -p INTEGER Pages count (Default: 10) -f INTEGER First result to get (Default: 1) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.virustotal [OPTIONS] INPUT Send a file to VirusTotal https://www.virustotal.com/ and print the report in JSON format. Note: Before send a file, will check if the file has been analyzed before (sending the sha256 of the file), if a report exists, no submission will be made, and you will see the last report. $ habu.virustotal meterpreter.exe Verifying if hash already submitted: f4826b219aed3ffdaa23db26cfae611979bf215984fc71a1c12f6397900cb70d Sending file for analysis Waiting/retrieving the report... { "md5": "0ddb015b5328eb4d0cc2b87c39c49686", "permalink": "https://www.virustotal.com/file/c9a2252b491641e15753a4d0c4bb30b1f9bd26ecff2c74f20a3c7890f3a1ea23/analysis/1526850717/", "positives": 49, "resource": "c9a2252b491641e15753a4d0c4bb30b1f9bd26ecff2c74f20a3c7890f3a1ea23", "response_code": 1, "scan_date": "2018-05-20 21:11:57", "scan_id": "c9a2252b491641e15753a4d0c4bb30b1f9bd26ecff2c74f20a3c7890f3a1ea23-1526850717", "scans": { "ALYac": { "detected": true, "result": "Trojan.CryptZ.Gen", "update": "20180520", "version": "" }, ... The other scanners ... }, "sha1": "5fa33cab1729480dd023b08f7b91a945c16d0a9e", "sha256": "c9a2252b491641e15753a4d0c4bb30b1f9bd26ecff2c74f20a3c7890f3a1ea23", "total": 67, "verbose_msg": "Scan finished, information embedded" } Options: -v Verbose output --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.web.report [OPTIONS] [INPUT_FILE] Makes a report that includes HTTP headers of websites. Optionally, uses Firefox or Chromium to take a screenshot of the websites. The expected format is one url per line. Creates a directory called 'report' with the content inside. $ echo https://www.portantier.com | habu.web.report Options: -v Verbose output -s Take a screenshot for each website -b [firefox|chromium-browser] Browser to use for screenshot. --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.web.screenshot [OPTIONS] URL Uses Firefox or Chromium to take a screenshot of the website. $ habu.web.screenshot https://www.portantier.com Options: -b [firefox|chromium-browser] Browser to use for screenshot. -o TEXT Output file. (default: screenshot.png) --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.whois.domain [OPTIONS] DOMAIN Simple whois client to check domain names. Example: $ habu.whois.domain google.com registrar MarkMonitor, Inc. whois_server whois.markmonitor.com creation_date 1997-09-15 04:00:00 expiration_date 2028-09-14 04:00:00 name_servers ns1.google.com, ns2.google.com, ns3.google.com, ns4.google.com emails abusecomplaints@markmonitor.com, whoisrequest@markmonitor.com dnssec unsigned org Google LLC country US state CA Options: --json Print the output in JSON format --csv Print the output in CSV format --help Show this message and exit.
Usage: habu.whois.ip [OPTIONS] IP Simple whois client to check IP addresses (IPv4 and IPv6). Example: $ habu.whois.ip asn 15169 asn_registry arin asn_cidr asn_country_code US asn_description GOOGLE - Google LLC, US asn_date 1992-12-01 Options: --json Print the output in JSON format --csv Print the output in CSV format --help Show this message and exit.