Deiphobus is an all caps geometric display typeface with bold blocky shapes.
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
See the included fontlog, copy of the license, and copy of the Open Font License FAQ.
I have designed Deiphobus initially for use on my science-fiction-themed 3D models. The typeface is named after the asteroid 1867 Deiphobus, chosen because its name contains many of the most characteristic glyphs of the design and because it is unknown enough to evoke space without reading as a reference to any specific work of fiction.
It is similar to forgery-impeding typefaces used on vehicle registration plates in that characters with similar basic shapes are designed to differ also in those places that could easily be made identical. Compare the letter "C" to "G"; "E" to "F"; "R" to "P" and "K"; "S" to digit "5"; letter "O" to letter "Q" and digit "0"; digit "3" to digit "8" and letter "B".
Read the design guide for more details on the design.
Deiphobus is implemented in the Unified Font Object format.
To generate installable font files I use the command line tool fontmake. By changing into the project directory and executing the command
fontmake -u Deiphobus.ufo
you can generate OpenTypeFont and TrueTypeFont files. See the fontmake documentation for more options.
You can of course use any other software that supports input in ufo format.