Finatra is a sinatra-inspired web framework for scala, running on top of Finagle
route parameters now live in
public assets now live in
(can be configured, see below)
Familiar routing DSL
Asynchronous, uses Finagle
Multipart Upload
File server with live asset reloading
App Generator
Mustache template support through
Heroku support out of the box
Zipkin is an awesome distributed tracing system
finatra-example An example repo to get you started
object App {
class ExampleApp extends Controller {
* Basic Example
* curl http://localhost:7070/hello => "hello world"
get("/") { request =>
render.plain("hello world").toFuture
* Route parameters
* curl http://localhost:7070/user/dave => "hello dave"
get("/user/:username") { request =>
val username = request.routeParams.getOrElse("username", "default_user")
render.plain("hello " + username).toFuture
* Setting Headers
* curl -I http://localhost:7070/headers => "Foo:Bar"
get("/headers") { request =>
render.plain("look at headers").header("Foo", "Bar").toFuture
* Rendering json
* curl -I http://localhost:7070/headers => "Foo:Bar"
get("/data.json") { request =>
render.json(Map("foo" -> "bar")).toFuture
* Query params
* curl http://localhost:7070/search?q=foo => "no results for foo"
get("/search") { request =>
request.params.get("q") match {
case Some(q) => render.plain("no results for "+ q).toFuture
case None => render.plain("query param q needed").status(500).toFuture
* Uploading files
* curl -F avatar=@/path/to/img http://localhost:7070/profile
post("/profile") { request =>
request.multiParams.get("avatar").map { avatar =>
println("content type is " + avatar.contentType)
avatar.writeToFile("/tmp/avatar") //writes uploaded avatar to /tmp/avatar
* Rendering views
* curl http://localhost:7070/posts
class AnView extends View {
val template = "an_view.mustache"
val some_val = "random value here"
get("/template") { request =>
val anView = new AnView
* Custom Error Handling
* curl http://localhost:7070/error
get("/error") { request =>
render.plain("we never make it here").toFuture
* Custom Error Handling with custom Exception
* curl http://localhost:7070/unautorized
class Unauthorized extends Exception
get("/unauthorized") { request =>
throw new Unauthorized
error { request =>
request.error match {
case Some(e:ArithmeticException) =>
render.status(500).plain("whoops, divide by zero!").toFuture
case Some(e:Unauthorized) =>
render.status(401).plain("Not Authorized!").toFuture
case _ =>
render.status(500).plain("Something went wrong!").toFuture
* Custom 404s
* curl http://localhost:7070/notfound
notFound { request =>
render.status(404).plain("not found yo").toFuture
val app = new ExampleApp
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
$ git clone
$ cd finatra
$ ./finatra new com.example.myapp /tmp
That will generate /tmp/myapp/
, start it up like so:
$ cd /tmp/myapp
$ mvn scala:run
You should now have finatra running on port 7070!
For bash users:
echo 'eval "$(./finatra init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
exec bash
For zsh users:
echo 'eval "$(./finatra init -)"' >> ~/.zshenv
source ~/.zshenv
Now you can run finatra new
from anywhere.
Available configuration properties and their defaults
Add the dependency to your pom.xml