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Adam Wieckowski edited this page Oct 7, 2024 · 18 revisions

How to obtain VVdeC?

The software is hosted at GitHub under:

To clone the project use:

git clone

How to build VVdeC?

The software uses CMake to create platform-specific build files. A working CMake installation is required for building the software. Download CMake from and install it.

The following targets are supported: Windows (Visual Studio), Linux (gcc) and MacOS (clang).


In order to compile the software the following software is needed to build VVdeC:

  • CMake 3.13 or higher
  • Linux: gcc-5.0 or higher
  • MacOS: Xcode (for arm based devices(M1,m2) ninja build is needed)
  • Windows: Visual Studio 15 2017 or higher
  • Windows: gnuwin32 ( to provide make for Windows)

Build using Makefile

To simplify the build process a Makefile with predefined targets is available.
Please be aware of that the Makefile is only a frontend to CMake.

To build the VVdeC decoder applications open a terminal and change into the project directory.

  • build statically linked release version:
    make release

  • build statically linked debug version:
    make debug

  • build dynamically linked debug version:
    make debug-shared

  • create statically linked release version and install local to 'install':
    make install-release or make install-r

  • create statically linked release version and install to default system location '/usr/local'):
    sudo make install-release install-prefix=/usr/local

  • create dynamically linked release version and install to default system location '/usr/local'):
    sudo make install-release-shared install-prefix=/usr/local

  • clean all build files:
    make realclean

To see all available commands and aliases check the Makefile

Build using plain CMake

Open a command prompt on your system and change into the root directory of this project.

Use one of the following CMake commands to configure the project. Feel free to change the commands to satisfy your needs

  • Linux Release static sample:
    cmake -S . -B build/release-static -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

  • Linux Debug static sample:
    cmake -S . -B build/debug-static -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

  • MacOS-X Xcode sample:
    cmake -S . -B build/release-static -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Xcode"

  • Windows sample:
    cmake -S . -B build/release-static -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"

After the configure step build the project:

  • build release static:
    cmake --build build/release-static -j

  • install (locally):
    cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    cmake --build build/release-shared -j
    cmake --build build/release-static --target install

  • install into system( e.g. /usr/local):
    cmake -S . -B build/release-shared -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1
    cmake --build build/release-shared -j
    cmake --build build/release-shared --target install

Attention: The sample application vvdecapp is not installed by default anymore. To install the application use -DVVDEC_INSTALL_VVDECAPP=ON in cmake (install-vvdecapp=1 for make)

  • clean project:
    rm -rf build bin lib install

Special build options

The top-level CMakeLists.txt contains some special build options that can be used for the build process. Some of the major options for makefile or plain cmake can be found in the following table:

CMake option Makefile option Default Description
CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE verbose Off set cmake verbose mode
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX install-prefix - set install location
CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE toolchainfile - set special toolchain file (e.g. minGW)
VVDEC_INSTALL_VVDECAPP install-vvdecapp Off install vvdecapp (default: library and headers only)
VVDEC_ENABLE_LINK_TIME_OPT disable-lto Off (LTO On) use link time optimization
VVDEC_OPT_TARGET_ARCH enable-arch - set architecture specific optimization
VVDEC_ENABLE_X86_SIMD On enable optimzed SIMD code (also on non-x86 through SIMDe)
VVDEC_ENABLE_BUILD_TYPE_POSTFIX enable-build-type-postfix Off set build type postfix for apps and libs
VVDEC_ENABLE_BITSTREAM_DOWNLOAD enable-bitstream-download Off download conformance bitstreams for testing
VVDEC_ENABLE_WERROR enable-werror On instructs the build process to fail if any warning are encountered

Example using Makefile:
make release verbose=1 disable-lto=1 toolchainfile=cmake/toolchains/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix-ubuntu2004.cmake

Example using CMake:

    -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/toolchains/x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-posix-ubuntu2004.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

If you are having trouble building or running VVdeC on architectures other than the officially supported ones, try setting -DVVDEC_ENABLE_X86_SIMD=OFF.


The software contains a simple test-suite testing the decoder conformance against the official set of conformance test sequences 1. To run the test-suite, the project must be built enabling the download of the test-sequences:

make <target> enable-bitstream-download=1

The actual test can then be run by calling:

make test-all

Third party tools


SIMDe is a fast and portable implementation of SIMD intrinsics on hardware which doesn't natively support them, such as calling SSE functions on ARM.
The external library is available under MIT license at Please see COPYING for the terms of use of the contents of this library.


  • [1] J. Boyce, E. Alshina, F. Bossen, K. Kawamura, I. Moccagatta, and W. Wan, “Conformance testing for versatile video coding (Draft 6),” document JVET-U2008, Joint Video Experts Team (JVET), Jan. 2021.