Scoutify: The Client component. This is mean to be a "webish" interface generating json documents with data on Robotics teams to be exported and then processed with scoutify-hub.
Clone, cd to directory, install node webkit and relevant parts, and then run nw .
from the root directory of this repo.
ALTERNATIVELY you can in some GUI's drag and drop the scoutify-client folder on the executable.
Make sure is exutable.
This will create an html file with the default value of the event field being REGIONALNAME.
Then you can press the "Use Preset Competition Value" on the navbar each time you start a new instance of scoutify-client.
ALTERNATIVELY you can change the package.json file "main": "index.html",
to "main": "presetIndex.html"
###Windows/Mac Copy index.html to presetIndex.html and replace defaultEvent with the name of your regional. The same principals from the linux bits apply.