This repo is a fork of official Osclass repository.
Since Osclass project was effectively shut down in September 2019, this project's goal is to continue its development, to adapt new features, get rid of deprecated code and set road for new goals.
Osclass is a free and open script to create your advertisement or listings site. Best features: Plugins, themes, multi-language, CAPTCHA, dashboard, SEO friendly.
For any support related query, please visit our official support forum.
Clone the repository and the submodules.
$> git clone --recursive
Want to help create a pull request from you clone, just make sure of few things
- Never target master-branch
- Target develop branch if you wan't to merge your fixes.
- Request a feature branch if your pull request change the functionality of our project.
- Create a new issue before making any pull request.
- Documentation: Documentation
- License: Apache License V2.0
- Visit our documentation :