Links to slides from R/Pharma::conf 2020
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Most slides are hosted at rinpharma's GitHub repo .
Videos of the talks are at
Workshop and speaker home page
Artificial Neural Networks in R with Keras and TensorFlow Leon Eyrich Jessen (DTU)
Multilingual Markdown with R and Python Using Reticulate 📺 Mike Stackhouse (Atorus), Nathan Kosiba (Atorus)
Tidy Transciptomics GitHub Stefano Mangiola (Walter and Eliza Hall of Medical Research), Maria Doyle (Peter MacCallum Cancer Center)
Implementing a Risk-based Approach to R Validation, R package risk assessment Shiny app Andy Nicholls (Glaxosmithkline), Marly Gotti (Biogen)
RMarkdown, GitHub Alison Hill (RStudio) _@apreshill, Tom Mock (RStudio)
[Stan Workshop] Daniel Lee (Generable)
Targets / Reproducible ML Pipelines GitHub Will Landau (Eli Lilly)
Gt Rich Iannone (RStudio) _@riannone
Unleash Shiny David Granjon (Novartis), John Coene (World Economic Forum), Colin Fay (ThinkR)
- Post-workshop discussion on exercises: 📺 Exercise 1, 📺 Exercise 2, 📺 Exercise 3
A PK & PBPK Modelling Workflow in R: Simulation, Optimization & Visualization Devin Pastoor (Metrum Research Group) & Kyle Baron (Metrum Research Group)
Predictive modeling with text using tidy data principles GitHub Emil Hvitfeldt (University Southern California)
[Challenges in an Evolving Regulatory Landscape: How Statisticians can Contribute] Matilde Kam (FDA)
Stack'Em High! Ensembles Using tidymodels Max Kuhn (RStudio) _@topepos / Simon Couch (Reed College)
The R Validation Hub: Implementing a Risk-Based Approach to R Andy Nicholls (Glaxosmithkline)
Interactive Medical Oversight Reporting in R, Example Report Laure Cougnaud / Michela Pasetto / Arne de Roeck (OpenAnalytics and Galapagos)
Implementing Mixed Models with Repeated Measures (MMRM) in R and Shiny for Regulatory Purposes Daniel Sabanes Bove (Roche)
R Package Validation Framework Ellis Hughes (Fred Hutch)
metashiny: Build Shiny Apps with a Shiny App Bo Wang (Novartis)
[Out of Chaos, Comes Order: Adventures in Standardized and Reproducible Research] Leigh Alexander (SomaLogic)
Numerical Validation as a Critical Aspect in Bringing R to the Clinical Research Adrian Olszewski (2kmm)
geoMapr: A Shiny Application for Enriched Analysis of Drug Utilization Data Jae Joon Song (FDA)
Becoming Multilingual Bella Feng (Gilead)
Data Visualization Practices for Real World Machine Learning Julia Silge (RStudio)
Using R to Create End to End Process Predicting Delay in Recruitment from Covid-19 Christina Fillmore (Glaxosmithkline)
With Great Graphs Comes Great Power Baldur Magnusson (Novartis)
visR - A Package for Effective Visualizations in Pharma 🏠 Charlotta Früchtenicht (Roche)
safetyGraphics v2.0 - Open Source Collaboration in Pharma using R and Shiny Jeremy Wildfire (Gilead)
Styling Shiny & R Markdown with bootstraplib & thematic Carson Sievert (RStudio)
Clinical Reporting Using R at GSK Michael Rimler (Glaxosmithkline)
Leveraging Nested Data Frames in Regulatory Submissions ☁️ RStudio Cloud Slides are available in the RStudio Project. Mike Mehan (Illumina Inc)
PREP – Packages fRom tEmPlates -An R Package to Streamline Development of Shiny Apps and R Packages 🏠 J. Kyle Wathen (Gilead)
openNCA - open source Pharmacokinetic data repository and Non-compartmental Analysis System
Thomas Tensfeldt (Pfizer)
tidyCDISC an Open Source Platform in R to Analyze Clinical Trial Data 📺 Demo Maya Gans / Marly Gotti (Cytel and Biogen)
Tplyr: An Intuitive Framework for Building Clinical Safety Summaries 🏠 Mike Stackhouse (Atorus)
yspec: an R Package to Create and Deploy Data Set Specification Objects in a Modeling and Simulation Workflow Kyle Baron (Metrum)
Would John, Paul, George or Ringo Have Been Famous if it Were Not For The Beatles Douglas Robinson (Novartis)
Julia in Pharma: The Ease of R Combined With The Speed of C++ Viral Shah (Julia Computing)
Building and Managing Unified R Environments For Data Science and Software Development Dariusz Ratman (Roche)
Using R Markdown to Generate Clinical Trials Summary Reports Radhika Etikala / Xuehan (Emily) Zhang (Fred Hutch)
Reproducible Computation at Scale With targets Will Landau (Eli Lilly)
[Seamless Visualisation of Complex Genomic Variations in GMOs and Edited Cell Lines Using gmoviz]
Kathleen Zeglinski (CSL)
Automated Data-Drive Analytics to Improve Robustness of Causal Effectiveness Studies in Healthcare Databases Richard Wyss (Harvard Medical School)
r2rtf - a Lightweight R Package to Produce Tables and Figures in RTF Format Yilong Zhang (Merck)
Benchmarking Algorithms for Subgroup Detection Sophie Sun (Novartis)
The “See”-Value App: Visual Decision Making for Drug Development Hannah Diehl (MIT)
It's a trap! A Data Science Case Story Leon Eyrich Jessen (Technical University of Denmark)
X-Omics Platform Stefan Pinkert (Merck)
RStudio's Pharma Updates 📺 Sean Lopp (RStudio)